braless informação pessoal

  United States
  • braless

  • Profissão: Consultant
  • Interesses:
  • Género: Feminino
  • Data de nascimento: 1964
  • Etnia: Mestiço
  • Estado de relacionamento: Numa relação Aberta
  • Sexualidade: Bisexual
  • Fumador:
  • Peso: 170 cm 5 ft 7 in
  • Tipo de corpo: Medio



braless videos

 - Open legs for eating
  •   26K
  •  28/06/09
  •  88%

braless fotos

  •   3K
  •  26/11/10
  •  90%
  •   20K
  •  04/10/08
  •  88%

braless blogs

Sem entradas.
adelaide3181 said:
Open Link >>>>>
alfil12 said:
Hello you are very beautiful you have beautiful tits I wish I had
your friendship if you want love, and some video and photos, I
would like kisses love my post is, you are very pretty, love kisses.
73corvette said:
You can expose your body to me anytime stranger. Love your soft sexy
voice. Looks like its been a while since your last post so mabe its
time for somthing new for us to see. THANKS Sweetie
cazzomen said:
hello look at my video and tell me if you like
cazzomen said:
hello look at my video and tell me if you like
happy2008 said:
IllBreakUAss!!!! please write a mail or privat messenger next time!!!
realmande said:
I have what your 3 holes need.
illbreakuass said:
Aloha Braless! can tell that from the first moment that I appreciate
your profile You are aware that a beautiful woman truly open-minded. I
would love to know more about yourself add Me to your contact list My
msn is: is to make my sexual fantasies with
My Love Anal Priapus, 20 cm long by 1 7 / 8 the radius of a circle.
Your position at the famous doggy styles or better known as chicken
grazing pastisal You know, at the maximum separating with your hands
your beautiful and lush buttocks while I will accommodate the Colaless
(Hilo), Tanga, Bikini, Cacheteros (Boxer) .. . etc to your beautiful
and exuberant left buttock to make my lips with red flesh and a Kiss
My long tongue Black Oral Sex give your beautiful Anus introducing my
tongue in your behavior analyst then rub in a circular to all my
Priapus contour of your beautiful year while my hands caress your
nipples and Special Your Clitoris getting excited maximum and
whispering to Make Love to You with My Priapus Anal Penetrating you
gently and slowly around My first feeling glans and My Priapus as
will step in your conduct Anal and feeling as you break each
specification of the Rings Yours Anales that are dry at the beginning
but at the same time natural fluids lubricate My Priapus Coming near
to penetrate to the middle of my Priapus in ascending and descending
and telling your Everything you penetrate Strong My Priapus and
groaning with pleasure Your Sticking biting the pillow and making love
for 2 hrs and 45 min which had held all the positions and for coming
to The Glory taking both at once orgamos Our consecutive ejaculate
more than within 15 seconds My Priapus getting anal You separate while
the maximum with Your hands Your Beautiful Buttocks and lush in the
doggy position to appreciate it through the mirror on the wall as is
your Anus Red deflowered fully dilated and intemperate about 2 radius
circle when you know that My Sperm drops your lips Your greatest
merger with Flow and Female Ejaculation reaching Fine Your Legs that
look lush and My Semen Stockings Members will continue to
descendiendote day after day you are going to evacuate until day 3 and
once groomed us we will get to Oral Sex for Your Love Beuty vagina and
anus and obviously with a view to make Love Anal To clean Yourself.
You have to either the anal or else I I will help you be happy to
spruce up your anal All Anal with an irrigator should be as you know
well not to have any kind of problem, much less you embarrassed or
feeling sick and if you do not worry because My Love It is normal! I
also agree and I wish you all and we are really open-minded people you
know. We're going take some photos And to film ourselves making
love Anal.Braless! This is an extract from the summary and like to
make love Anal want to know if more of my sexual fantasies and send a
couple of photos of yourself redactame to My E-mail It! I wish you
every success in everything you want or suggest that God always bless
you and protect.I sending one kiss how and where you want more Muah!
Hugs and well worth much take care of Yourself! and Me take care of it
very well and I hope that is mine You know I have the Sweet Dreams and
hotter with the red marrow Serafin with Me .We be contacted soon by
msn you know See ya Braless!. ATTE: Michael!
illbreakuass said:
Aloha Braless! permite decirte que desde el primer instante que
aprecie tu profile me percatei que Vo so una Bela Mujer verdaderamente
Open Mind u-know me encantaria saber mas de Vo agregame a tu lista de
contactos Mi msn es: Mi Sexual Fantasy es
Hacerte El Amore Anal con Mi Priapo de 20 cm de largo por 1 7/8 del
radio de una circunferencia Vo estando en la famosa posicion Doggy
Style o mas conocida como pollito pastando pastisal u-know separandote
al maximo con tus manitas tus Belas y Exuberantes Nalgas mientras que
Yo te acomodo el Colaless(Hilo),Tanga,Bikini,Cacheteros(Boxer)...etc
hacia Tu Bela y Exuberante Nalga izquierda para hacerte con Mis labios
rojos carnosos y Mi larga lengua un Black Kiss osea brindarte Sexo
Oral en el Belo Anito de Vo introduciendo toda Mi lengua en Tu
Conducto Anal para despoi rozai en forma circular con Mi Priapo todo
el contorno de Tu Belo Ano mientras que Mis manos acarician Tus
Pezones y Specialmente el Clitoris de Vo excitandote al maximo y
susurrandome que Te Hagai El Amore Anal penetrandote con Mi Priapo
suave y lentamente primero todo Mi Glande y Vo sintiendo como Mi
Priapo se abri paso en Tu Conducto Anal sintiendo como te rompo cada
pliego de los Anillos Anales de Vo que al comienzo estan secos but que
a la vei se lubricai con Mis fluidos naturales de Mi Priapo llegandote
a penetrar hasta la mitad de Mi Priapo penetrandote en forma
ascendente y descendente y Vo diciendome que te penetrei toda
penetrandote Todo Mi Priapo Fuertemente y Vo gimiendo de placer
aferrandote y mordiendo la almohada Haciendo El Amore 2 hrs y 45 min
realizando todas las posiciones habidas y por haber llegando a La
Gloria teniendo ambos a la vei Our orgamos consecutivos eyaculando por
mas de 15 seg dentro de Tu Conducto Anal sacando Mi Priapo de Tu
Conducto Anal mientras que Vo te separai al maximo con Tus manitas Tus
Belas y Exuberantes Nalgas en la posicion Doggy Style para que lo
apreciei por medio del espejo de la pared como habei quedado Tu Ano
Rojito totalmente Desflorado Dilatado y Destemplado aprox 2 del radio
de circunferencia u-know mientras que Mi Esperma descendei por Tus
Labios Mayores fusionandose con Tus Fluidos y Eyaculacion Femenina
hasta llegar a Tus Belas y Exuberantes Piernas que lucin Medias
Adherentes y Mi Esperma vai a seguir descendiendote dia tras dia que
vayai a evacuar hasta el 3 dia y una vez que Nos acicalemos Nos
Haremos Sexo Oral para Hacerte El Amore por Tu Bela Vagina y Ano
obviamente y previamente antei de Hacerte El Amore Anal Vo tenei que
acicalarte Bene el Conducto Anal o sino Yo te ayudare con Mucho Gusto
a que te acicalei Todo el Conducto Anal con un Irrigador Anal como
debei de sei U.Know para asi no tenei ninguna clase de problems ni
mucho menos que te avergonzei o sintai mal y si pasai not problem Mi
Amore ya que es normal Vale! ademai Yo te acepto y Deseo en la
totalidad ya que Our Somos Verdaderamente Open Mind U-Know too Nos
podemos filmar y tomarmos fotos Haciendo El Amore Anal.Braless! estei
es un extracto del resumen de como Te Haria El Amore Anal si Deseai
sabei mas de Mis Sexual Fantasy y enviame un par de fotos de Vo y
Videos a Mi E-mail Vale! Deseo que tengai Muchos Exitos en Todo lo que
Te Propongai o Deseai que Dio Siempre Te Bendiga Proteja y Ampare Te
Mando un Beijo Como y en Donde mas lo Deseai Muah!y Hugs Bene Fuerte
Cuidate muito Vale! y Cuidamelo muy Bene ya que Deseo que seai Mio
U/Know Deseo que tengai Dolces Soños y The Most Hottest con el Serafin
osea Conmigo We'll keep in touch muy pronto por el msn u-know See
ya Braless!. ATTE:Michael!
paddy2008 said:
wow, you can teese me anytime !!
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