Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice

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The boys love to put it up our bums and we don't mind - Pictures from a couple of sessions with our foursome
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Publicar Comentário
Publicado por: couplesharingfun em 2013-12-09 15:21:06
Nice dream-like quality to these very sexy photos. It is nice to see some beautifully finished artwork that could be put on the wall when the in-laws are not visiting (no, I not that bold, lol). I would agree to be photographed if we would art like yours!
Publicado por: kinkypervypair em 2013-12-10 16:57:19
Thank you couplesharingfun. You could send me your images if you would m to enhance them.
Publicado por: just_julian em 2014-01-05 18:01:44
nice pics...tasty pussy mmm
Publicado por: gazzer123 em 2014-10-09 12:47:30
Amazing clarity x and sexy as f*ck too
Publicado por: legendofwest em 2017-03-25 11:36:20
oh bby i'd love to pvt with you in those tan stockings, my fav kind too, what a real sexy woman...msg me sweetheart,xxx
Publicado por: clarar39714 em 2019-03-20 07:04:11
want to chat with me? Add me: www%2exn----dtbbfdcwpd3a5d2c6a.xn--p1ai#userset_id=333114
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