covertblackops blogs

A Night in Tunisia - part 7
Kelly had always fascinated me. She had a strong personality, sort of like Carols. But her strength was more reserved, unlike Carol's which was out in the open. I often felt that she had secret unspoken thoughts when we talked. She always kept me guessing which of course led to some very kinky masturbation fantasies. As I recalled that, I realized that I had fantasized about each of these women during various masturbation sessions. And here I was, doing it in real life, in front of them. I guess I am a very naughty boy.

"Good evening Mistress Kelly. It's very nice to see you tonight also" I said. "Hi Tim. Why don't you go ahead and start playing with your cock again. Slowly though, I don't want you to get in trouble again with Mistress Carol." Kelly said. So my hand once again started stroking my cock, and it grew hard again.

"Tim, turn around for me and show me your bottom. I want to see Mistress Carol's handywork." said Kelly. I did as instructed. "My Tim, your bottom is nice and round , isn't it ladies? And I love the red color. I can almost see Mistress Carol's handprint!"

Carol laughed "I've had some practice spanking that bottom. Tim is such a naughty boy, he often deserves it. And when he doesn't sometimes I just spank it for fun!"

"Move backwards a little bit, hon" Kelly said to me. She was directly behind me, so I stepped backwards slowly until I gently bumped into her. I felt Kelly's hand touch my back and slide down onto my ass cheeks. "Oh now I can see much better. And I love the feel of your bottom. Does it feel good when I caress it Tim?" Kelly asked. My cock throbbed as she spoke, as the whole thing was extremely erotic to me. "Yes Mistress Kelly" I answered. I could see Teri, Renee and of course Carol looking at me with mischievous smiles. I felt like they were imagining things that they were going to do with me. I knew that I was most likely at a crossroads. If I did not figure out a way to restore my dignity, get dressed and leave, then I was in for a long night with these ladies of who knows what.

"Carol ... ladies ... I'm sorry for barging in on your party tonight, but I really need to go."

SMACK! I felt a hard slap on my ass and it stung. I looked back at Kelly who clearly just struck me and saw Carol approaching with a leather belt. "You're not going anywhere," Carol said "and Kelly's smack was just the start if you don't toe the line." With that Carol swung the belt and smacked me again right across my ass cheeks. I yelped with pain.

Carol continued "I told you that you are here for our pleasure, and I'm not kidding. By the way, I already have photos and videos of you showing what's happened so far here tonight, and if you like I'll send them to your office and post them on the internet. That might be a little embarrassing for you. How does that sound? "

Stunned, I knew I was trapped, and I'd have to do whatever they asked me to do. Our previous naughty talks were just play, but this was real. I feel like Carol had this in mind all along, but there was nothing I could do. I was truly her sex slave. "Mistress Carol, " I said" I'm sorry. You're right. I'll do whatever you say."

"Very good Tim. Just remember we are your superiors as all women are. You are here to be used like a toy. You are not allowed to have an orgasm unless specifically given permission. Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress Carol" I replied.

"Ladies, with the greetings out of the way, let's begin the fun. I have three slips of paper in this bowl, numbered one to three. Kelly, close your eyes and pick one". Kelly reached in and pulled one out, and then Teri and Renee followed. When they read their numbers out loud, Teri had number 1, Renee had 2, and Kelly had 3. "This is the order we will follow for you to take control of our slave Tim. During your turn you may use him as you see fit. You may use him in private, or publicly here in this room. Personally I prefer it to be public as I think that will teach Tim some humility. You can do anything you like but I ask that you do not allow Tim to cum. You can use any of the sexual aids we have here tonight. Mistress Teri, you have the first turn. What is your pleasure?"

A Night in Tunisia - part 6
"Now, ladies I would like you to get to know my slave better. Tim, I see you still have a hard-on. Are you a little horny?"

"Um.. yes Mistress, I think I am" I replied. "You THINK?" she said, "You mean you don't know? Hmmm ... that nice big cock of yours seems to be hard and throbbing. Seems to me that maybe you'd like a little blowjob. Is that what you want, Tim?" I was speechless, mainly because I was afraid I didn't know the right answer, so I just looked at her dumbfounded. "Oh Tim, I think you'd really enjoy getting your cock sucked by my nice warm mouth", and with that she dropped to her knees right in front of me. I could see the other ladies were shocked, jaws dropped and eyes wide open.

Carol leaned forward until her mouth was a fraction of an inch from my cockhead. My cock bounced in sync with my heartbeat, and a smile crossed Carol's face. "What a nice, fat head you have on your cock Tim. Would you like me to lick it?" she asked. "Y-y-yes Mistress" was all I could manage. Carol's tongue slowly slipped past her parted lips, but then stopped. She looked up, right into my eyes. I wanted to grab her head and pull it into my cock, but, I knew better. Abruptly, Carol stood up. "No, you don't deserve any attention for your cock, Tim. Not right now. You need to earn our attention tonight." Teri, Renee and Kelly laughed loudly in unison.

"Now Tim," Carol continued, " I want you to say a proper 'Hello' to my guests. Even though you have known them casually before, you will address them from now on as Mistress Teri, Mistress Renee, and Mistress Kelly. I want you to present yourself to them one at a time for inspection. And while you are greeting them and being inspected, I want you to show them how hard your cock can get, so I want you to masturbate while they watch. But remember this, you are not allowed to cum! You must play with yourself enough to get nice and hard, but no orgasm. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress" I replied. A multitude of thoughts were swirling through my brain as I processed Carol's words and tried to imagine what the rest of the night was going to be like. I was still tremendously embarrassed by being so utterly exposed to these women and I had no idea how I would ever recover from this. On the other hand, I was also feeling a little excited, and in a way it all felt very natural. I hadn't deeply analyzed my previous erotic talks with Carol, but there was a feeling crystallizing in me that maybe my rightful role is to submit, or be submissive to, a women, or even all women.

Obeying Carol's command, I moved over to the couch and stood in front of Teri. My cock had drooped a bit, so I took it in my right hand and started slowly stroking. I looked down at the floor, as I couldn't get over my embarrassment of being in this situation. My cock grew erect once again, and managed to get out a greeting: "Hello Mistress Teri. Nice to see you this evening."

"Mmmm why thank you Tim, it's so very nice to see you tonight also!" Teri replied. Carol interjected "Don't be rude, look up from the floor, Tim. I want you to look at these ladies while you are greeting them!"

" Yes Mistress" I replied, and raised my eyes to meet Teri's. Teri had a wide grin on her face, and she looked me over from head to toe. "My Tim, you are a horny little devil aren't you, playing with your cock in front of us like that!" Teri said. "Yes Mistress, I must be", I said.

Moving over to Renee, I continued my greetings. "Hello Mistress Renee, it's very nice to see you this evening also." This time I kept my head up and looked her in the eyes, still stroking my cock, but slowly so I wouldn't get too excited.

"Well, thank you Tim! I must say, I've always wondered what you looked like under your clothes, so it's very nice to see you naked tonight. It's so exciting to watch you masturbate. Why don't you stroke a little faster?" she asked.

A little shocked, I looked over at Carol. After all, she is really the one in charge ... I think. She looked back at me and just smiled and gave me a little nod, which told me I was to do as I was asked. So I started stroking faster, running my fingers up over my cockhead and then back down the shaft. This got me more aroused, and my cock grew harder and thicker. The ladies giggled as I started to moan softly. "Ohhhhhh mmmmm yessssss" was all I could say at that moment. "Tim, is that a little precum on the head of your cock? Are you getting excited for me?" asked Renee. "Uhhh ...... mmmmmmmm . yes Mistress... ohhhhhh"

"Well then stop, right now! Hands off of your cock" Renee said in a loud, scolding voice. "Don't you make yourself cum, you naughty little boy! Not until you get permission from us!" My hand released my cock, which bounced up and down, and then throbbed with my heartbeat. I bit my lip to keep myself from losing control and grabbing hold of it again. "That's right Tim'" Carol interjected " You are NOT to cum without permission. Now go on and greet Mistress Kelly."

Hi everyone, I see views but I'd love to see some comments and/or ratings so I know if the story is worth continuing...xx
A Night in Tunisia - part 5
"Mmmmm nice, hard cock Tim, I can see that you're happy to see us!" said Kelly. Again they all laughed. If my face wasn't bright red it sure felt like it.

"Well, Tim" said Carol, "I don't remember giving you permission for your cock to get erect. Explain yourself! And while you're at it, explain why you called me 'Ma'am, instead of Mistress"

"Well ... I ... uh ... Mistress .... Mistress Carol .... I can't help it! I mean, my cock can't help getting hard."

"That's not good enough, you have to learn your place again Tim, and you've broken two rules already. You are NOT to get an erection without permission, and you must ALWAYS call me Mistress. Certainly NOT Ma'am! Ladies, I'm sorry for this display of disobedience, but I assure you I will Tim will be punished, and you will all get to witness it."

Carol walked over to a chair, picked it up and set it in the middle of the living room, in view of her guests on the couch. She sat down, and said to me "Tim, assume the position!" The three women looked at her, then me and then each other not sure what to expect. But I knew, from our past kinky lunches. "Yes Mistress" I said, and I made my way slowly to Carol, stood at her side, and then slowly lowered myself until I was lying across her lap. My cock was dangling between her thighs, and my bare ass was raised up near her right hand. I knew this was what she wanted from me. I balanced myself carefully across her knees so as to not cause her to have to work hard to keep me there.

"What do you say now Tim?" Carol asked.

" I'm sorry I disobeyed you. Please punish me Mistress." I replied.

"Of course Tim, I'd be happy to oblige you." she said, with an obvious tone of lusty anticipation. It was surprising to sense how fully engrossed Carol has become in her role. I felt Carols hands touch my lower back, first one and then the other. Then one hand slid down onto my bottom and she slowly caressed my cheeks. She worked her hand in a small circle at first, gently whispering to me things like "You bottom feels nice and smooth Tim" and "Don't worry I'm not really going to hurt you". Her other hand moved onto my bottom and both hands worked together to explore the curves of my bare ass. Her right hand slipped down to my thighs and grazed my ball sack. I could feel my cock growing even harder between her legs. It was all I could do to lie still. Soon I couldn't control myself, and I was squirming in response to her touch.

"Tim, you horny little slut!" she exclaimed, "what do you think you're doing??" With that she raised her hand and came down hard on my bottom. The sound was a loud slap, and it stung. Carol followed that up with several more hard smacks, alternating between my ass cheeks. I could tell she wasn't using her full strength and I was grateful. But the spanking hurt just the same; actually it was a curious mixture of pleasure and pain. Meanwhile the women were cheering and chattering among themselves, clearly enjoying the show. All I could think about was how would I ever be able to face these women in public again, after they've seen me in such a humiliating position. Little did I know that the "fun" was only beginning.

"All right Tim" Carol said as she halted her hand paddling, " I hope this has taught you a lesson. If not, we have plenty of other ways to help you learn your place. Now stand up, face my guests, and prepare to be inspected." I didn't know exactly what to expect, so I stood up and gave her a quizzical look but I did as I was told.

A Night in Tunusia - part 4
"Now ladies, let me explain" Carol began. "We all know Tim from the old office. You all probably thought Tim was a fairly straight-laced, maybe even boring engineer. Well, the truth is, I found out different. Tim and I used to go to lunch, and let's just say, our conversations somehow broke through conservative boundaries and became very naughty. It turns out Tim here has a very kinky mind. He loved to chat me up with talk of licking my pussy, sucking my tits, and of course fucking me in any number of ways. But that wasn't all ... even though he liked talking about me sucking his nice hard cock, he started to introduce scenarios like spankings. First it was him spanking me, but he much preferred talking about me spanking him. And he liked it better when he was bare-bottomed, and lying across my lap. I finally figured out the poor thing was a full-fledged submissive. He wanted me to dominate and humiliate him. I could tell that the more we went in that direction, the more aroused poor Tim got. But here's the thing: I was getting more aroused also! It made me hot to make Tim my servant, my sex slave. Until tonight it was just talk, but now Tim has gone over the line, showing up at my house, and now is when it gets real for him."

While Carol spoke, I nervously looked from her, to her guests, and back. I was listening to her with rapt attention. I had never heard her describe our experiences, and the fact that she was doing it in front of these women was making me aroused. It was getting harder to keep my growing cock behind my hands, but I shifted my hands and did the best I could.

"Tim, what you don't know yet is, you walked in on our Pleasure Party. That's a little party us girls have sometimes where we get to learn about marital aids, sex toys, lubricants, things like that. And normally, we don't get to try these things out for real during the party, but since you're here tonight, that's all changed! Kelly happens to be a sales rep for the company and has brought with her alot of fun, kinky and naughty things for us to try. So ... let's begin!"

"Ladies" she continued, "tonight we are going to use Tim as our plaything, our sex slave. He will take orders from me, and I will require him to take orders from you as well. "

"I love that idea Carol!" said Renee, "but I just have one question. Why is he covering his cock with his hands? He's naked, so don't we get to see that too?"

"Why yes, you're right Renee, how rude of him. Tim, take your hands away from your cock right now!"

So many thoughts were coursing through my mind at this point. Should I obey or not? I wondered how I allowed Carol to put me in this position in the first place. But then I remembered everything that preceded this moment, all the years of kinky play talk. And I suddenly realized it was more than play. I had subconsciously sought out a dominant woman, and Carol had sought out a submissive man. And over time we had forged clear roles in our relationship. So I knew she was right, I had to do what I was told no matter what. I had no choice, even though I had no idea how far she wanted to go. "Yes Ma'am" I replied, and lowered my hands. My cock had stiffened with excitement, and so it jumped out at attention. As the ladies ooo'd and ahhhh'd, my face felt warm so I was sure I was turning red with embarrassment.

A Night in Tunisia - part 3
Glancing towards the female guests, I saw they were enjoying cocktails and engrossed in conversation, so I hoped that I could obey Carol's directive without attracting their attention. Carol was watching me intently with her hands on her hips, and I could see her patience was thin, so my hands moved to my shirt and I started unbuttoning it. I slipped the shirt off and let it drop to the floor. No undershirt, so I was bare-chested.

"Carol, are you sure about this? Can I please just go back outside and get out of your hair?" I pleaded.

"Not a chance Tim. You know you've needed this for a long time, so strip for me!"

"Yes Ma'am" was all I could meekly offer.

I reached down and slipped off my shoes, then my socks. I unbuckled my pants, and slowly slid them down to the floor, and stepped out of them. Now I stood in front of Carol wearing only my boxer shorts. Once again, I hesitated, much to my detriment.

"Tim, I said strip! That means get naked! Drop your shorts, now!" Carol had raised her voice now, and that attracted some looks from the ladies in the living room. But there was nothing I could do. My hands slipped under the waistband of my boxers and slid them down to the floor. Stark naked and profoundly embarrassed, I covered my genitals with my hands and stood up straight for Carol.

"My my, what are you two doing over there?" Kelly asked from the living room. "It's about time that I explain that to you all", Carol said, and then she came over, put her hand under my arm and gently escorted me over to the living room in front of the couch where the three ladies sat. My hands were still in place, offering me some minute level of modesty, but I could see the ladies smiling broadly and looking me up and down. It was Teri who spoke first.

"Wwoooooowwwwww wow wow .... Tim! I never thought I'd see the day where I would get this intimate a look at you! It's always fun to imagine what people we work with look like under their clothes, but now, with you I don't have to imagine anymore! You are one sexy engineer!" she said, referring to my chosen profession. All of them, including Carol, laughed fervently and mischievously.

As I now got a better look at my former colleagues, my embarrassment grew. I knew each of these ladies in a professional capacity. That's not to say that I didn't have well hidden fantasies back in those days about each one of them. Renee is a vivacious brunette with long straight hair, a fiery personality and a nice round ass. Teri is blonde, short in stature and has very big tits and a narrow waist, and being a little on the older side has a MILF-ey look. Kelly is a dark haired, somewhat plain looking girl, but was always well dressed and has a phenomenally curvy figure she loves to show off. All three had personalities on the aggressive side, which made them successful in business but also extremely sexually attractive to me. And now here I was, standing in front of all of them, fully exposed.

A Night in Tunisia - part 2
Carol briefly reacted with surprise as well, the result of my disheveled appearance, but this quickly developed into a look of displeasure and reproach. "Tim Cooper? Is that you? What brings you here at this time of night, and why on earth are you so wet and dirty?" she said. My mouth moved, but still no words came out, as my planned explanation flew from my brain and all I could think about was how Carol looked standing there and how pathetic I must have looked to her. "Tim, what is the matter with you? Tell me what's going on. You've never come to my house unannounced before!"

So I replied: "Well ... uh ... yes I uh ... my car broke down. It's in pretty bad shape, so I came to you for help".

"Well I don't know anything about fixing cars, Tim. Do you want to call someone?" she asked.

"Yes .. uh .. yes that would be great."

"Well Tim, you are just making a mess out of my porch with the mud all over you, and you are drenched from the rain. Come inside and let's see if we can get you dry and cleaned up a little."

"Are you sure that's OK Carol?" I asked. "Yes Tim," she replied. "Just step into my foyer here. It's tile so I can clean it up easily."

So I stepped into her house, and noticed immediately she had company. Three women, all familiar ex-coworkers as well, were sitting in Carol's living room. They seemed to be chatting among themselves and hardly noticed I was inside.

"Ladies," Carol called to her guests, "guess who is here paying us a visit? You might remember him - Tim Cooper from our old office!"

"Hi Tim!" , "Hello Tim" I heard the women exclaim nearly in unison. "Are you going to join our little party?"

"Yes Teri" Carol replied, "He'll be joining us very shortly, after I get him cleaned up. He was busy outside getting wet and muddy."

"But Carol" I said, " I really can't stay. I need to call a tow truck so I can get the car to a mechanic".

"Nonsense, Tim. There are no mechanics open at this hour. And you owe me a little of your time after interrupting my dinner party".

" Alright Carol, so should I go get cleaned up in the bathroom?" I asked.

"No, you'll just get my new carpet dirty. I can't have you walking through the house that way. So, just stand right where you are and get those clothes off."

"What? Take my clothes off right here?"

"Yes, clothes off and just leave them on the floor. I'll put them in the wash and they'll be ready in no time."

Sure I was not comprehending her request, I said "Carol, your guests ... the ladies ... there's no privacy!"

"Now listen Tim, I'm not going to say this again. We've discussed this in the past. In my house, you are to do as you are told. So, take your clothes off right now!"

And then suddenly I remembered. How could I forget? Yes, Carol and I were more than just former co-workers. More, even, than simply friends. Years back, we went through a period of flirtation, teasing. It started out very innocent, but we developed a rapport that allowed each of us to explore a kinkier side to our sexual inclinations. It came in the form of very explicit discussion of fantasies, usually during lunch dates. Gradually, the topics of discussion gravitated in a direction where Carol's role was increasingly dominant, and mine very submissive. We discussed kinky and explicit sexual scenarios that we imagined in our minds. The reality was, we never really acted these out, but we dithered on the edge, sometimes allowing hands to wander towards erogenous zones. A few times, we even found excuses for Carol to administer playful over-the-knee spankings. Both of us were fully clothed, but the spankings were intensely erotic nonetheless. The sessions stopped eventually as we both had life changes that made getting together difficult, however, not before we had forged very concrete roles and had built up an extremely high level of sexual tension. And it was these memories, and this tension, that were now flooding back to me.

A Night In Tunisia - Part 1
It had been a long day at work, and I was tired and driving home in the pouring rain and dark of night. My mind was on autopilot but I was distracted and didn't notice the warning light on the dash. Suddenly I saw steam coming out from under the hood of the car, and by that time it was too late. The engine started knocking so I took the next exit off of the highway. I barely made it as the car became hard to control. At the end of the off ramp there was an open field, so I pulled into that just as the car's engine quit. I tried to start the engine but it was down for the count. I knew I'd have to get towed out of there, so I grabbed my cellphone, only to see that the battery was dead. It was a residential neighborhood, so there were no businesses nearby where there might a phone I could use. I figured I had a long walk in the cold rain on my hands, when I suddenly realized I recognized the neighborhood. I was near the home of Carol, a former co-worker. Carol and I were more than just co-workers, as we had become friends, although we had lost regular contact over the last several years.

I couldn't remember exactly where it was, but I knew the street and I figured Carol's house was about a block or so away. So I got out of the car and started to walk. The field was drenched and extremely muddy, so my shoes and the cuffs of my pants got covered with mud. Of course, the ground wasn't even and I slipped and fell, my knees and hands dropping into the mud, making things even worse. I got up, wiped my hands on my shirt and moved on. All this time the rain was falling hard, drenching me and my clothes. As I navigated the neighborhood, things began to look familiar, and then finally I recognized Carol's house. I was in luck, as the lights were on inside so I knew Carol was home. I was a wet, muddy mess, but I only planned on asking Carol to call Triple-A to send me a tow truck.

When I got to her porch I hesitated. I remembered Carol was quite diligent about keeping her house clean and tidy, and I knew she wouldn't appreciate me tracking mud onto her porch. She can also be quite harsh with those that don't adhere to her high standards. But hoping she would see that I only needed her to make a call, I thought she would overlook my condition given the circumstances. With some small remaining reluctance, I rang her doorbell.

With just a touch of anxiety, I waited for what seemed like an eternity, and then I heard the sharp clicks of shoes, probably high heels, growing louder, and then the doorknob turned and the door opened. Bathed in the light from the porch was Carol, standing in a confident pose as she processed my presence at her doorstep. Carol's image struck me like a bombshell. She was the picture of a woman of elegance and class, her hair perfect and her skin smooth and radiant. She wore a dress that followed her curves from her neckline to just above her knee. It was by no means conservative, as it accentuated her body and displayed her cleavage, but it was also far from slutty. And of course, her feet were embraced by sleek, sultry high heels. It was a sexy and classy look that I had not seen her in before, and it took me aback and robbed me of my speech. Simultaneously, I had feelings of surprise, awe, reverence, fear, and admiration, and I was not able to find words to convey my thoughts.

A new BDSM fantasy
I haven't written a blog here before, but recently I felt an urge to get down in writing a fantasy I've been exploring in my head. It's long story partially based on real experiences, and partially on experiences I wish I would have. The subject matter is BDSM, specifically Femdom, and involves people that I know real life.

I'd like to post it in installments, like chapters. The only problem with posting it here is the chapters would be in reverse order, end to the beginning, once they are all posted. I'm not sure I should post it here, so if anyone has an opinion please comment or message me. Thanks!
  •  covertblackops
  • Interesses:
  • Género
  • Masculino
  • Profissão:
  • Data de nascimento:
  • 1960
  • Etnia:
  • Caucasiano
  • Estado de relacionamento:
  • Sexualidade:
  • Fumador:
  • Não Fumador
  • Peso:
  • Tipo de corpo:
  • Medio
  • Atributos sexuais:
  • Na média
  • Educação:
  • Mestrado ou Doutoramento
  • Nacionalidade:
  • United States
  • País de residência:
  • United States
  • Localidade:
  • CA
  • Cidade:
  • Data de registo:
  • 2011-01-25
  • Última visita:
  • Necessita de ser um membro subscrito para visualizar esta informação.
  • Disponível para Encontros:
  • Sim
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  •   United Kingdom
      69 anos de idade
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  •   Italy
      54 anos de idade
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