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bornboth blogs
I am going to do it I found a good cam e an I am goig to make a new one this week so keep looking
I made it my self with a web cam there is no tricks it just me.Everything works but no I can t go F my self when I am erect I have over a 10 inch dick an it wont bend like that trust me I wish it would an could..As for testicals yes I do have them but they are small.I have photos that show every thing better .I stoped taking testron Jan 06 I started taking estrign this new year an I plain to live as a woman the rest of my life .As for my sexuality ,I don t think that I am gay I would have to find somone like me an so far I have not found enyone like me .I gues you could say that I am bi I would love to find a bi woman who understands an would except me for who an what I am .I would also like to make a few more vids .It has been a dream for me to make a pro vid that would be soomthing that would be looked at a lot I would think.
I need help with make up an vidow
enyone intersted
- bornboth
- Interesses:
- sexy vids
- Género
- Transsexual
- Profissão:
- driver
- Data de nascimento:
- Agosto
- Etnia:
- Caucasiano
- Estado de relacionamento:
- Livre e solteiro
- Sexualidade:
- Bisexual
- Fumador:
- Fumador
- Peso:
- 193 cm 6 ft 4 in
- Tipo de corpo:
- Medio
- Atributos sexuais:
- Grande
- Educação:
- Secundário
- Nacionalidade:
- United States
- País de residência:
- Localidade:
- Cidade:
- edgwood
- Data de registo:
- 2007-02-10
- Última visita:
- Necessita de ser um membro subscrito para visualizar esta informação.
- Disponível para Encontros:
- Não
- micky_muncher
AustraliaHetero66 anos de idade
- idzirethe1
United States59 anos de idade
- kindabicurious
United States
- bigten1985
United StatesHetero
- pictradegermany