toohottoohandle blogs

Naughty Boy

 One of my favourite young men asked me for a favour

He said he wanted to be tied up and blind folded then used, preferably by a few older ladies and have it filmed.

I canvassed opinions and found a few interested ladies.

On the day I had him arrive early so that I could make sure he was securely tied before the guests arrived.

I tied him with his head at the foot of the bed and played with his cock to make it very hard. I then put on a cock ring and his blind fold after gently sucking him for a few minutes. Once I had him secure and blind folded I wrapped his cock in a chiffon scarf and then covered it with another scarf.

I continued to play with him and tease him, taking pics and making a little video with my friend L who was touching and teasing his cock through the chiffon.

twenty minutes after he'd been tied up the second and in the case last lady arrived. I briefed her on what could and couldn't be done to the man tied to the bed. She moved into the bedroom and played with him carefully, after several minutes she went to have a shower leaving my friend to my tender mercies.

Sexy Weekend

 After a hectic afternoon at work I finally met a friend at the local pub, he had ordered dinner and I helped him finish it before taking him back to my place. A quick change out of my uniform into a sarong and we curled up on the couch, we were both tired but horny so after several minutes of passionate kissing I took him in hand and brought him off. Then we went to our separate beds :)

Roll to Saturday morning, I had things to do so went about doing them while my friend continued to have pleasant dreams and I drooled over his luscious body. After chatting online with a friend about plans for later in the day, I was short a girl for a little gang bang due to a good friend beign sick but he promised to bring a girl friend of his to help even up the numbers. 

My friend woke up and after I had finished chatting with my friend i decided I couldn't resist him any longer so we had a lovely long play on the couch, he brought me off by playing with my breasts and getting me ultra wet then he played with my pussy till I came twice in quick succession I then slid to my knees in front of him and sucked his cock until he exploxed into my mouth.

We had just finished playing when one of my other friends arrived with the ingredients for dinner, I introduced the guys and we all sat around on various electronics devices until the rest of my friends turned up.

Three more friends arrived just after 3pm, I served wine and softdrinks with cheese and crackers while we all got acquainted. I then led everyone into the bedroom, where we got two groups of threesome fun happening. All the fun was recorded for the viewing pleasure of my fans.

Foreign Travel

I wish I could tell you guys about all my fun adventures while I've been in Paris and Provence but unfortunately this year instead of my fans who live in these areas making sure they were available to meet me they failed to follow through :( Luckily I have plenty of options at home to make up for my quiet trip to France, maybe Italia will more promising. Who knows.............I'll let you know if it is. 

Sadly I didn't get any international fun this trip, sad really, I always enjoy meeting new people :)

I had a great holiday and have been making up for the lack of play since I got home. See me new video ;)


 After a hectic day at work I made my way into the city to meet a new friend who was up from Melbourne. I was running a little earlier than expected so went to the Pub across the road from his Hotel to have a relaxing glass of red. He came over and we spent some time chatting while I finished my red wine. I was already feeling very wet as it had been a while since I had been intimate with someone new :)

After finishing my wine we headed across the road to his hotel room, once in the room I asked if I could have a shower to freshen up and he said he would join me, as I slowly stripped off my Uniform he touched my breasts and kissed my neck and back, when I saw his erect cock I couldn't resist sitting him down and sucking it. I had him groaning in no time then stoppped and dragged him into the bathroom to get cleaned up. Instead of getting cleaned up we got down and dirty in the shower! Once the water was flowing we got under the shower and were touching each other, he soaped up my breasts and I stroked his cock till it was super rock hard, he told me I was going to make him cum so I slid myself down his body took his cock in my mouth and sucked him in deep until he came deep in my throat. After he had cum we continued to play in the shower soaping each other and continuing to arouse each other. After several minutes of this we returned to the bed and I continued to suck his cock while he continued to play with my breasts. He had me so wet that I was dripping onto the sheets, his cock was so yummy he was enjoying my sucking and playing with my breasts so I started to play with clit, he liked watching me play with myself. After a while I asked him to play with my clit, he complied and I enjoyed his actions. After half an hour of my sucking his cock and him playing with my breasts I felt compelled to continue playing with my clit, after 5 minutes I was on the verge of cumming and as he played with my nipples I came, squirting all over the bed.

We both thoroughly enjoyed our orgasms.

What a day!

Wow what a day! A naughty bi friend asked me earlier in the week if I'd like to have a session with him sucking cocks, naturally I said yes :)

We arranged to meet some friends at my place, originally 7 guys and 2 girls for whatever fun eventuated, hopefully cocksucking and lots of it!

On Saturday morning my 2 male friends came over at the appointed time and my naughty friend messaged and said he had another guy coming but had not heard from the other couple as yet, I said come over anyway so he and his mate did. So by about 1030 there were 4 guys and myself all primed to play. I was wearing just stockings and heels when 3 of the guys arrived and for 2 of them I was bent over the table and on display!

I got all the guys naked after offering them refreshments, which were refused, and then directed them into the bedroom. I laid myself on the bed and started sucking the first cock presented to me. I then had 2 others to play with so I started wanking them while the owner of the 4th cock went down on me. I had ben-wa balls in and he played with them, inserting his finger alongside the balls to bring me extra pleasure. He licked until one of the guys I was sucking asked for his turn. As he took his finger out the ben-wa balls came out too and so the following guy just licked and fingered me before fucking me for a while. I continued to lick and suck all cocks presented to me and wank the ones within reach.

After a while one of the guys came, when he had cum he helped out by wanking one of the guys while I licked and sucking his balls and gently played with his arse! This resulted in his getting very close to cumming, I stopped licking his balls but continued to play with his arse resulting in him cumming hard all over my face, this set off the other guy I was wanking. I had 2 fabulous loads of cum across my face while being fucked at the same time. The guy fucking me swapped to licking and made me cum hard before then coming up and getting me to suck him off till he came!

That was the morning session, I then went out shopping after getting cleaned up, ran into an old friend and spent the afternoon chatting. Once I got home I had just enough time to throw a load of washing in the dryer before heading out to again to meet a young man for a drink at my local. This was a guy who I'd previously met but had yet to find time to play with. We'd finally managed to both have free time and so made plans to catch up. I grabbed a coffee and he had a beer at the Pub before heading back to my place. At my place we got naked and into the Spa which was great, he was hard and ready and his touch turned me on, his gentle caress of my breasts and fun kisses were making me wet.

We got dried off and started to enjoy ourselves on the bed. Using various positions he proceeded to fuck me and me him, we had to take a few breaks to get our breath back but then after about an hour of this we took a short break before he proceeded to fuck me until he was almost on the point of cumming, he then pulled out just as I started to squirt he then dropped his load all over my breasts!

Great fun for the first day of the weekend!

First Squirt!

Wow, it was an interesting experience when I met up with a new guy in Melbourne.

We had been chatting online and on the phone for a week or so and he had said he'd be able to make me squirt, something I hadn't personally experienced although has seen many of my girlfriends gush and certainly licked pussies that had squirted.

After finally arranging a time and location we met for coffee in Melbourne's CBD and decided after chatting for a while to head back to my Hotel room.

Once in my room we started to kiss and he had me kneel on the chair fully clothed while he started to caress me, licking my neck, playing with my breasts and rubbing himself against my arse. Slowly he stripped off my clothes while still kissing and caressing me all over. Once he had me naked he still kept touching me and led me over to the bed, he lay me on the bed then proceeded to continue with caressing my breasts then pulled me forward to the edge of the bed and knelt, he then started to lick my pussy, after a while with me getting wetter and wetter he inserted a finger into my pussy, he proceeded to fuck me with his finger until I couldn't stand it any more and he made me squirt all over his hand!

We continued playing with each other, I blew him twice, he made me squirt twice more! All in all a wonderful lunchtime session, I am looking forward to our next one.

I'll have to remember to get a towel out for our next session and put the waterproof sheets on! It will be interesting to see if I continue to squirt now that I have done it once or twice :0

Melbourne Adventures

Well I finally got to Melbourne to visit my friends. Arriving on Saturday with my current favourite in tow we wandered off to see the Exhibition which is what I told everyone I was coming to visit! Back at our hotel though the real fun began! Back at the hotel and naked on the bed watching TV with my friend I went for his cock and gave him an intense Blow Job, I wouldn't let him touch my pussy while I did it so once he had cum I was dripping wet. Once he was able to function again he went down on me and licked me to seriously explosive orgasm!

Showered again we headed out to a great Tapas bar I know on Bourke St for a sensual meal experience.

Next morning we fucked as soon as we woke up, I came several times before he decided to lick me to a full blown orgasm after which he fucked me again. After we showered and dressed we headed out for shopping and breakfast.

Now I am back at the Hotel alone, after he headed for home, waiting for my next guy to turn up. More about that adventure later!

Later on Sunday evening - my very cute 6'5" basketball playing friend turned up to play! I spent 42 minutes sucking his cock! He loved it! I filmed it and have put a short excerpt on here for you to enjoy.

It would appear I'll only have a couple more adventures in Melbourne as I have had two cancellations. So the question is, why are guys so unreliable?

Day 4 in Melbourne, well what a difference a day makes! This morning I got a message from one of yesterdays cancellations asking if I was still free to meet up at lunch time as I didn't have any firm plans I said yes I'll meet for a coffee near my Hotel and see how we go!

Well that is one coffee I won't ever forget! Not that we ate food, we had a coffee then I invited him back to my room. He was gorgeous and he promised to show me a good time!

Oh wow, he was certainly able to show me a good time! He made me squirt 3 times and I sucked him off twice in the two hours we spent playing! Can't wait to play again!

OMG just sucked the nicest cock! Not that all the cocks I suck aren't nice but this one was very nice indeed! Thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he was a stranger too! A friend set us up to meet.............

  •  toohottoohandle
  • Interesses:
  • Reading, movies, theatre, ballet, having fun, beach, adventuring
  • Género
  • Feminino
  • Profissão:
  • Manager
  • Data de nascimento:
  • Agosto
  • Etnia:
  • Estado de relacionamento:
  • Livre e solteiro
  • Sexualidade:
  • Bisexual
  • Fumador:
  • Não Fumador
  • Peso:
  • 173 cm 5 ft 9 in
  • Tipo de corpo:
  • Medio
  • Atributos sexuais:
  • Na média
  • Educação:
  • Nacionalidade:
  • País de residência:
  • Australia
  • Localidade:
  • 02
  • Cidade:
  • rockdale
  • Data de registo:
  • 2008-01-03
  • Última visita:
  • Necessita de ser um membro subscrito para visualizar esta informação.
  • Disponível para Encontros:
  • Sim
 - A little three way
  •   41K
  •  21/12/15
  •  77%
 - Murano Magic
  •   15K
  •  31/10/15
  •  89%
 - Blow job in Budapest
  •   10K
  •  16/10/15
  •  76%
 - Blow job in Reykjavik
  •   20K
  •  06/10/15
  •  90%
 - Blow job fun
  •   15K
  •  15/08/15
  •  82%
 - Girl on Girl with Boy
  •   41K
  •  24/02/15
  •  84%
Sets de fotos
  •   4K
  •  10/05/14
  •  88%
  •   7K
  •  10/06/13
  •  92%
  •   3K
  •  17/02/13
  •  87%
  •   4K
  •  10/04/12
  •  100%
  •   9K
  •  27/11/11
  •  100%
  •   4K
  •  04/06/11
  •  92%
  • Hrnybgr
  •   Australia
      75 anos de idade
  • warken
  •   United States
  • threeinto1
  •   Australia
      59 anos de idade
Nenhum até agora.