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Content Rating is wacked
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Post Content Rating is wacked 
Content rating is all out of wack. For days If I click the (1) X it always increases the rating from 2XX's to 3 XXX's

It's working in reverse.

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Post Seems strange 
I have not managed to replicate this. Has anyone else noticed this too.

The categorisation is based on numbe of votes not average. For example if X gets 3 votes, XX gets 0 votes and XXX gets 4 votes, then the outcome is XXX.

However if each category gets the same number of votes (this is very very rare) , I dont know what the outcome is, and that is perhaps what you triggered.

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please explain this better. it seems it should be just a normal low med. high count is all.

4 X's, vs. 4 XXX's should blance to a XX. But I wondered WHY when it's a 2XX and I click just 1 X it would increase to a XXX

you can set up on your test system just a test and click away, copy over the .cfg files so it's all configured the same.

But if your giving greater weight to 3XXX's vs. 1 X, that's not right,

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Bottom line is this.....

no matter how you click a lower rating than what is shown, it should NEVER increase the rating, PERIOD

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Anonymous wrote:
Bottom line is this.....

no matter how you click a lower rating than what is shown, it should NEVER increase the rating, PERIOD

It's still wacked. I just clicked a few and it DOES increase when it should decrease.

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This is a real problem. twice I have clicked a 1 star rating and it jumps to a 3 star rating.

So tell me how this is working correctly.

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Which vid?

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Next time, as soon as it happens, please report the video number to admin using the feedback link at the top of the page. Thanks

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admin wrote:
Next time, as soon as it happens, please report the video number to admin using the feedback link at the top of the page. Thanks

At the top of the page is a link to FEEDBACK, but I see NO number for any video's.

otherwise a person has to try to remember the title of the video or who put it up

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admin wrote:
Next time, as soon as it happens, please report the video number to admin using the feedback link at the top of the page. Thanks

THERE is your link.

It had a 2 star.

I clicked 1 star

it went to THREE (3) star.

How much more info do you need tounderstand....


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Anonymous wrote:
admin wrote:
Next time, as soon as it happens, please report the video number to admin using the feedback link at the top of the page. Thanks

At the top of the page is a link to FEEDBACK, but I see NO number for any video's.

otherwise a person has to try to remember the title of the video or who put it up

The video you are watching at the time has a Video ID number...this is displayed in the address bar...hope this helps...Jelly xx

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Anonymous wrote:
admin wrote:
Next time, as soon as it happens, please report the video number to admin using the feedback link at the top of the page. Thanks

THERE is your link. It had a 2 star. I clicked 1 star it went to THREE (3) star. How much more info do you need tounderstand.... CONTENT RATING IS WACKED?

Wow, first of all, you don't need to be so aggressive. Politeness can get you darn near anything.

Second, I checked it out. It was rated 4-star, I gave it a 1-star rating, the rating went down to 3.5-star

FWIW, I really wanted to rate it a 4-star. Nice close-ups, and creative use of the full-length mirror. Wink

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