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Blow jobs
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Post Blow jobs 
Is it strange that I would like to watch my husband give another man a blow job. I have thought about it for a long time and when I do I tend to get a bit horny. He has said he would love to give another guy a blow job, but was surprised when I said I wanted to watch. Do any other women have the same thoughts.

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No, not strange. I would try it if my wife approached me with the idea but only with her there and involved.

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Not strange at all, you can ask my wife, she loves to see me give a blow job to another man and eat his cum. First time it wasn't easy for me but she thought me better. Now we often go to a glory hole place where she can watch as much as she wants then at home later she get a good fuck

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Post he wife and I often use the Magic Wand together. I on my bac 
he wife and I often use the Magic Wand together. I on my back and she squats over me and I enter her. She then lays back so we are each lying with heads apart, knees bent, butts together. She will then place the Magic Wand on her clitoris. She will come quickly and her contractions then cause me to orgasm. It's fun, quick and easy, especially when we are tired.

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