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The role and behavior of moderators
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Post The role and behavior of moderators 
First of all a few words about a previous discussion:

After spending a few weeks here, I got the impression and experience that some users feel seriously uncomfortable with repeatedly observed behavior of some moderators and their role in general. I believe that the opinion of these users should be respected. Unfortunately, a recent and heavily discussed topic about moderators was closed after just a few days. I think it is not very respectful how some moderators treated this issue and the involved discussion in the forum. It casts a damning light on the form and behavior of a community if moderators use insults in such a discussion and finally even mock it by posting hot air about drinking - and finally they locked the topic. Especially as a “moderator”, one should be able to take part in a discussion and handle criticism.

Here are my additional concerns regarding this topic:

First of all I want to say that I believe that moderators are important for a site like this, and that they really can add value if their job is done properly and by the right persons.

However, I got the feeling that the chat rooms of this website indeed consist of a significant amount of "moderators" or people otherwise somehow related to the site. My theory is that either the website tries to generate some artificial traffic, or hands out privileges to a very large and unselected number of people whose work is not controlled in any way. About the first thing, I did not make up my mind yet, but I would be disappointed if it would be the case.

However, concerning the assignment and control of moderators, I made indeed some strange observations. Some "moderators" here seem to have a strange understanding about their authority and their manner or appearance. Instead of observing a chat room in order to ensure that the conversations are in line with the chat rules, some moderators rather believe that they should give commands, bully or patronize other people in the rooms. Various times, I could observe that moderators acted in a very rude and dismissive way. Some only coquet with their privileges; others execute them almost randomly and at will. During the last days, repeatedly I could observe that a moderator said he “anyway could do here everything he wants”. In another case, two moderators derisively talk about the nationality of various members in the chat. One of the involved moderators attracted my attention for the second time, as she made no secret of her distaste for colored people.

In the end, I hope that this site and its chat-room does not emerge as a place full of website related “moderators” but of open minded and respectfully acting users. People should seriously think about their role and significance here and in general, in case yuvutu is really the only place in the world where they believe they have to say something.

Regards, Klaus

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Klaus... If you believe that a mod has been bullying in the rooms ...or been racist...Please please please use the feedback link at the top of the page to report them to admin... If possible try to get a screenshot of the offending behaviour(you can do this by pressing the 'prt sc'button on your keyboard then copying it into a program such as microsoft paint,and save it as a jpg, which could then be emailed to admin)

I hope the behaviour you have seen hasn't spoiled your experience of yuvutu and you will continue to use and enjoy the chatrooms.

Jelly xx

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First of all I would like to address the concern about a "conversation" that was closed off. I chose to close off the conversation because the discussion had turned from a question/concern into an argument between a few users, and these forums are not the place for such arguments. If they wanted to continue to bait and flame each other, they could do so in PM, it did not need to be dragged out in public. The question/concern itself had already been answered.

Secondly, I will echo Brenda's sentiments, if you believe you see ANY abuse going on, do not wait an hour, or days, to think about it, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY. You can use the Feedback link at the top of the website to do that, and if you believe you see abusive behavior, take a screen shot of it and e-mail it to Admin when they ask for it.

The moderator team is selected by the Admin, out of a pool of individuals who first volunteer or are nominated by others for the position followed by feedback from trusted members of the site who have been here for a long time, whose judgment is trusted and respected. There are not many of us, and only a handful of us who are public about our status as moderators. We work as volunteers, but we certainly do not get any special consideration when it comes to abuses. We have to follow the rules just as other users do. Admin takes these things seriously, but Admin also has to have proof and information as to what is going on, reporting about it days after it happened doesn't help Admin verify anything.

Overall, I do believe that Yuvutu is a place were open-minded adults can come together to chat, enjoy and have fun. It is the main reason that I joined the site myself, and when I was asked if I wanted to become a moderator, I saw it as an opportunity to help maintain that same spirit and expand it. It is a great responsibility, but I do enjoy it and I have fun at it.

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If you have trouble with any of the mods, you should report it to the admins via the feedback link at the top of the main page just as Jellybrenda has suggested. If the admins get numerous complaints about a particular mod i'm sure the issue will be resolved with that mod.

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Sorry to drift slightly off topic, but I just wanted to say thanks to Klaus for one of the most grammatically pleasing forum posts it has ever been my pleasure to read. It's so rare to find semicolons used correctly in this age of dwindling respect for the English language.

As to your issue with moderators, Klaus, I'm sure if you stick around you'll quickly learn who are the best people to go directly to should you have a problem. I'm also surprised to hear about the allegations of racism as I've been coming here for months and have never encoutered anything of the sort. I don't mean to question whether the event actually occured, only to point out that it was an unfortunate rarity.

Here's hoping you continue to enjoy yourself.


Don\'t know the answer...just say \"nasal sex\"
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Post just a quickie for all mods 
Ohio_Couple wrote:
If you have trouble with any of the mods, you should report it to the admins via the feedback link at the top of the main page just as Jellybrenda has suggested. If the admins get numerous complaints about a particular mod i'm sure the issue will be resolved with that mod.

the only problem that i see up to this point ,and its what i am going thru right now, is that unfortunately as per the wide variety of people that do come on the site "racism" is up to the moderators discretion
not but a couple of minutes ago i got banned from "lobby"cause i said "negro"
i am hispanic to me that word asno racial significance but to the moderator must have been bad.
my question is this : who is the person that actually says what is racism or correct and incorrect becausei do believe the rules are left to the moderators discretion and that is gonna carry problems on the long run.


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Post Re: just a quickie for all mods 
Vampiro, I would like to address this with you because I'm the one that banned you last nite for one hour. When you said: "A Negro probably stole it", that infact offended me.. as well as other chatters. I had quite a few regs and non regs that were whispering me about this and just like myself, they took offense to usage of that word AND with how it was used. If I recall, when you mentioned: "A Negro probably stole it", the entire chat room stood still. I am not the only one that got offended by what you said.
If you address someone that is black as a NEGRO in a chatroom or face to face, IT IS offensive. I would like to add, back in the early 1900's, as well as beyond that, the word NEGRO was used just as much as the N word. In fact, they were basically the same word. And they still are till this very day. But the meaning is not as strong, but it doesn't make it okay to use it.

Racial slurs as well as offensive remarks is not something I nor this site jokes around with.

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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Post Think b4 you speak 
Vampiro, we as mods wont tolerate ANY racial slurs, whether yer joking or not! Your lucky it was Dilli that banned you and not one of us other mods or it would have been a week rather then a day. This is the 21st century for petes sake you need to grow up and learn that words like that hurt. You say yer hispanic, Im sure you wouldnt like people tossing around hispanic slurs in there either...We want chat to be a fun experience, but nobody has fun when people toss around racial slurs, jokingly or not...I got to say this being a mod thing is starting to suck with all the Trolls n people not thinking when they speak I swear to god its like running a fucking day-care center some times

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I was called white trash by Jelly when I asked to open tits Crying or Very sad The cool part is that it worked,I got to see both of them Razz

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i dont believe that a moderator been racist .. so give us all a fav .. if u see that the next time make a screeneshot and send it to admin . try to find the programm *hardcopy .. by the way .. for me as a german .. i´ve heard a lot of times stupid things about the fookin 2nd world war .. i remember joshhotlips .. he ask me .. u need a new .. HITLER .. and that pissed me off big times .

and now .. actually .. dont know whats going here but .. why in the hell try some users to piss off the mods .. it sounds like a plot .. yesterday and today some *new users .. told me to heard that i am german .. gay , bi .. what ever , with a big cock .. ask me to show and shit .. so for all this *new users .. if u dont so tuff and come inside with ur real nickname .. kiss my crusty ass ..

tat xx

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Post Re: just a quickie for all mods 

Last edited by bandida on 2008-07-28 05:49:01; edited 1 time in total
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bandida ..

I would be highly pissed off if I got banned for using the word "negro". I have two yuvutu friends that refer to themselves as "negro", and I call them "negro".

thats different .. i know the afro americans told themself as friend *hey N igger .. so .. *negro .. or *n igger are for me the same ..

and the 2nd worl war is 63 years over .. so tell me .. why are the a lot of people so fuckin stupid and tell me that i wish a new Hitler .. coz for me is Hitler not *sweetheart* or *dear* huu .. DOT

tat ..

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"A Negro Probably Stole It"

There's no way possible to defend this sentence and turn it into a positive. I keep mentioning that I was not the only one that was offended by Vampiros sentence. We had a VERY full room that day. And when you say something like that.. and the chat room STANDS STILL, then something's wrong. Vampiro was banned for one hour. He came back and chatted some more that same night. Sure I can understand if I was THE only one that got offended, I would've talked to him one on one in a whisp. But that wasn't the case. I wasn't the only one that had a problem with what he said.

I don't use the word Negro as a term of endearment and I'm pretty sure MLK as well as Malcolm X didn't either. We can talk about that word and it's uses in other cultures and it's different meanings if you like as well as talk about history. I'm all game for that.. hell if you want my msn I'd be glad to give that to you, but the fact of the matter is.. what Vampiro said was unacceptable. Therefore he got banned for an hour. He came back afterwards. Please understand he was banned for one hour for how that word was used, not because he blantly said it.

*Opens tits for Billy.. wait is Mel there too?*

Last edited by dilligaf on 2008-07-26 01:32:47; edited 1 time in total

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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I think perhaps it would do everybody some good to take a deep breath, and then remember that we need to have respect for each other. Over the last few days I've seen a lot of people getting upset over these "terms of endearment" such as calling people "negro", "slut" and "whore", being said by people in a joking or light-hearted manner towards people that they do not know. I'm not sure if this is a misguided effort to try to fit in or what, but it's not working.

I'm the last person in the world to tell anybody they need to be politically correct, but I don't think it would be out of line for me to suggest that unless you REALLY know somebody and are close friends with them that you refrain from such colorful language, instead choosing to be polite and courteous to your fellow perv.

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Post It was said with malice intent!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Ya know I dont give 2 shits if Negro is used as a term of enderment in the Spanish speaking community. If so FINE! use it in the Spanish speaking room, In the straight english room comments like that will be dealt with accordingly PERIOD!!!!!! You wont catch any of us coming into the Spanish room and spitting out racist comments like Spic or Beaner!!! (And NO Im not the least bit prejudice but Im trying to make a POINT)If we did we would expect to be banned....Lets just try and not use ANY comments that might be offensive to ANYONE!!!!!!! This will make sure that nobody is offended and we can all play nicely....Thank you for you cooperation......

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