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Jigga WHAT? New chatroom and no beta testing? Comment thread
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Post Jigga WHAT? New chatroom and no beta testing? Comment thread 
This is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down
So I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
and I'll tell you how I became the Prince of a town called
Gratuitously confused and mildly vexed

Ok so we have a new chatroom
It's strange and confusing!
We don't know what the buttons do!
We can't perv in a relaxed state!
What can we do?

I suggest we use this thread for comments and suggestions on the new chat. Don't forget to highlight the good as well as the bad!

No lag! Damn is this fast! No more lagging my whole system just because the userlist is updating! Thank you admin!
Open as many vid windows as you like! Thank you admin!

Vid windows are sitting on top of the chat! You can evidently either perv OR chat but not both.
-> If you could resize the chat window (ie when you maximise the browser, the chat window gets bigger), this
won't be a problem.
Whispers don't work, or if they do, they're FAR too complicated to be worthwhile.
-> Whispers weren't *very* easy before, but this makes them utterly useless.
Emoticons! The less said the better.
-> If this was a teenagers chatroom, it might be useful. It isn't. Please disable all the flashy emoticons and the
ability to "insert" animated gifs etc in chat. Headache inducing.
Avatars and "chat only" profiles.
-> I don't think we need 2 sets of profiles here. Can this be edited out of the menu and just leave the link to the
YuVu profile? All these avatars are confusing and spammy.
Can't tell who's male or female
-> easily fixed! Remove all the custom avatars apart from one "male", one "female" and one "TV". No spammy
pictures and clear to see which cam might give you the dreaded ghey if you click on it.
I don't talk to people who aren't showing boobs on cam (as well you know)
-> Can we reorder the chatroom user list at all? That was a really useful feature. I miss being able to tell how long
someone's been in. It also make it more difficult to tell who's coming and going.
The ladies have ALWAYS hated the IM feature. Now we've got an even worse one.
-> At least the last one was a little bit hidden. PLEASE get rid of the IM feature. We have instant messenger clients


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Some bugs needed to be fixed:
1) user should be able to list members of the chat not only alphabetically
2) furthemore, to see who is online in the other chatroom
3) must be clerer if member is male or female
4) wider spave in the window for webcams: now the take space from other frames
5) prefer the old way to see who is watching u: now u have to click on the window
6) double click on nick open a pm window: sometimes it is accidentally and u pm without wanting it
7) it is so hard now to read all the chatlines... Too many allowed users in the chat room?

well, it's enough... maybe something more using it

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