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looking for a woman!!!
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Post looking for a woman!!! 
I'm new here and love the site. I been married for 11 years to a woman who just never wants to have sex. I can't take it anymore so I'm looking for woman in Tennessee to fill the void in my life. any takers??? or any advise on how to get my worthless wife to be more sexual? Rolling Eyes

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for starters dont call her wothless...............
if you talk to like that to her i can't blame her.........

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Apparently , Truday is the wife of your dreams ,Krazyhorse Wink

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treat her like a woman, and not like a POS on the bottom of your shoe.

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ok so I used a bad word lol, well I don't talk to her like that, it was a joke. second even when we had sex it was the most boring thing you ever saw. I'm just at the end of my rope with this.

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first thing in a situation like this is to realise that all relationships at some point will go stale in the sex dept.

Can you remember the rush you used to get knowing that you were soon going to have your soon to be wife in your arms? try telling here that some of the feeling has gone out of the relationship and that you love her and want to get that back, whilst realising that its a two way street. Im sure your wife has issues which need resolving to, sex or lack of it is often used as a way or control or punishment by woman in a relationship.

Some people find talking issues through with a third party help.


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Post get her some toys 
and lube and start playing with all holes and stuff
she'll enjoy that! Very Happy

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Krazyhorse wrote:
ok so I used a bad word lol, well I don't talk to her like that, it was a joke. second even when we had sex it was the most boring thing you ever saw. I'm just at the end of my rope with this.

The key word in this is WE... you can't just blame her for the sex being boring.. maybe you need some lessons in it or just don't turn her on.

Speaking from experience.. a woman needs to feel sexy,desirable and wanted not only this but needs to be mentally stimulated... Women are very perceptive and though you may not tell her she is worthless,if you are thinking it she will feel it.Trust me on that one................


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Have you actually tried sitting down with her and explaining your feelings, and allowing her to do the same? A good conversation can go a long way towards making a bad situation better. Whether you two do it on your own or through a counselor, that would be a good start.

I know, you came here expecting to try to find an easy hook-up because this is a sex site. Truth is that there's nothing easy, in relationships, in sex, or anything. It's things that you have to work on. While it is true that there are a lot of married people here who are looking for escapes from their marriages that are dead or in various states of decay, there are TONS of people here who are in committed relationships who are here because they simply enjoy sex and enjoy expressing that.

If you want to find hook-ups here, then you'll find pretty quickly that it all starts with communication. Make a friend or two, get to know the other members of the community here.

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krazyhorse - i have to say, i gotta agree with you - your wife clearly is worthless - after all, why the hell wouldn't she want to leap on you after you've spent all weekend cleaning and polishing your lovely scooter. Why won't she just realise that after you've spent so long on the main love of your life, you haven't got the energy or inclination to treat her with the same love and care your bicycle gets! After a hard days polishing and posing in front of your nation's flag - its surely her duty to shower you with affection and turn you on like no-one ever has before while you lie back and enjoy it.

Or maybe she's too tired from fucking the guy from the local store while you've been in the garage all weekend?

Lying is cheap, but honesty costs nothing
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Post Some Friendly Advice 
Krazyhorse, I have to ask. What kind of man would ever consider thinking, never mind, using such a word to describe his wife! Have you ever stopped to think that the problem might not be her that it could, shock horror, have something to do with you? I do not claim to be an expert but in my humble opinion the sex is only going to be good when the lady in question has something to respond to. Given your absolutely glimmering opinion of your wife I am not in the least bit surprised that she is “boring” during sex. To answer your query for advice here it is take the time to appreciate your wife and treat her like the lady she is. After all, you married her she must have some redeeming qualities. If however you still feel that you are completely blameless in this situation might I suggest some professional assistance. Those ladies will give in to your every desire so you will certainly not be bored and as for their worth, well that will be agreed before the encounter takes place. The best of luck in your sexual endeavours, Lady Delish.

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wow! where to start. the bike ain't mine the flag pic was taken by my ***** from my first wife when I was starting my pro wrestling career that my new wife made me quit because she is very jealous and could not handle it. I have talked with her for hours and it got me sex for that night and then went back to the same old same old. she is a plain old country girl, kinda of tom boyish. never dresses or acts sexy, at least not that I know of anyways. am I the problem?? not a chance I have never had any complaints from any other woman and most certainly never had one from her. I introduced her to oral, anal, and any thing else I could bring to the table. she loved it, but she only wants to have sex when she wants to. now I'm no male pig. I know very well there is much more to a relationship than sex and we have it all. the wining and dining, movies, gifts, I do most of the house work and I raise the ***** pretty much. If I did not know better I would think she was a lesbian lol. I stay with her because I love her, why? hell who knows but it is what it is. as far as hooking up with someone here, never gonna happen. I like porn and that's about as far as it would go. I thought this would be a good place to talk about it with woman who are confident with their sexuality and know how to express it. I just don't understand why she does not know how to please her man by now. it's been 11 years she is only 30. she has many good years left but she will drive me to cheat on her if something does not give soon. A married man should not have to beg for sex from his wife. I can go to a bar and have woman throw it at me but my own wife wont. maybe it's just me, but I have a problem with that.

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wow, talk about censorship. unbelievable!!! Shocked

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