sarah24 informação pessoal

  • sarah24

  • Profissão: *****
  • Interesses: cool friendship
  • Género: Feminino
  • Data de nascimento: Julho 1989
  • Etnia: Negro
  • Estado de relacionamento: Livre e solteiro
  • Sexualidade: Bisexual
  • Fumador: Não Fumador
  • Peso: 173 cm 5 ft 8 in
  • Tipo de corpo: Magro


my name is Sarah am cool and gentle girl, looking for cool and gentle man. my name is Sarah am cool and gentle girl, looking for cool and gentle man.

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lilly1768 said:
Look at me now here >>>>>
sarah24 said:
Am a warm and passionate girl who is looking for a loving and
committed relationship? am searching for a special man or women to
adore me and treat me like a Queen and you thrive on treating my
special man like a king? I enjoy being active and breaking a sweat as
well as cuddling on the couch with my man to watch a great movie? I
like to spoon? I love to show MY inner you in so many ways, I care for
others? I am not afraid of having an occasional healthy argument and I
look forward to growing our relationship from it? I am equally excited
to teach You about important things in my life as i am to learn about
your's? i love to laugh, yet i also know how healthy it is to
release a good cry here and there? i am a great kisser...@};- and am
very please to meet you.. you can as well contact me on (
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