sirhardnthick informação pessoal

  United States
  • sirhardnthick

  • Profissão: Trucker
  • Interesses: pussy
  • Género: Masculino
  • Data de nascimento: Fevereiro 1962
  • Etnia: Caucasiano
  • Estado de relacionamento:
  • Sexualidade:
  • Fumador: Não Fumador
  • Peso: 170 cm 5 ft 7 in
  • Tipo de corpo: Medio


I've been a long distance trucker for many years. Sex life is almost not worth mentioning except for online masturbating with strangers. I think I'm ready for some real live experiences. Love woman but may be interested in a 3way with man & woman. With my

sirhardnthick videos

 - Quick one
  •   2K
  •  27/08/11
  •  68%

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My Favorite trucking pastime

Just recently submitted my 2nd webcam video. The first one is already up and running. I suspect the 2nd one will be soon. It's not as good the 1st one but it is different. Why? Because it's not often that you get to watch someone masterbate while driving a 18 wheeler.

I am a professional don't try this at home. LOL.

Now when you pass a 18 wheeler, you will wonder if the driver is even wearing pants. I'm not alone in this, I heard women truckers on the cb radio talking about masturbating while driving. I've seen man & woman playing with themself whle driving the cars. I'm sure they know us truckers that are up high can see them.

Have fun be safe.

lilahn51014 said:
best sex dating, open link:
robnic said:
Great vids. Keep them cumming. I 2 masturbate while driving and so do
many of my friends. Try the Bi thing with another guy its not as bad
as it seems. Enjoy and Drive/ wank safe
wanderer_1969 said:
damn...where's ur vids..wife and I wanna see that cock
sirhardnthick said:
Would love to have some one to join me in a video. I think I ready to
taste my first cock even though I love pussy. I've been thinking
alot about licking a woman while she is getting fucked.
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  • niina
  •   Finland
  • lulita99
  •   Bisexual
      41 anos de idade
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