the__bartender informação pessoal

  United States
  • the__bartender

  • Profissão:
  • Interesses:
  • Género: Masculino
  • Data de nascimento: Janeiro 1971
  • Etnia: Caucasiano
  • Estado de relacionamento: Livre e solteiro
  • Sexualidade: Hetero
  • Fumador: Ocasional
  • Peso: 191 cm 6 ft 3 in
  • Tipo de corpo: Medio


I was a bartender in the mid 90's while in college. While there I learned how to pick up chicks, lots of them! for 5 years I fucked my way through a bunch collage girls, MILFs and Staff. I hope you enjoy my home movies from the last 30 years.

the__bartender videos

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Sem entradas.
wl said:
hi are you still on xham or have they deleted all the vids, I too have
returned here after many years with some new uploads & am also
disappointed by the response, it seems that there are barely a few
hundred active members left, seems to be a rump of its earlier self,
anyway I love what you have uploaded, am totally into genuine homemade
with amateurs just fucking purely for the fun, do you have any more
stock anywhere, cheers bud
the__bartender said:
I hope everyone is enjoying the videos! Comment with what you want to
see next.
kojak101 said:
I liked reading the back stories you had on xhamster. Do you plan on
uploading those here. Was great reading the back story of the girls
then see them getting ploughed
necroignis said:
sad but such is life, when can we start expecting to see you uploading
the__bartender said:
The "purge" has come to other sites. All homemade content
vanished in less than a week. Will YuVuTu survive, or will this place
die as well. Sad time to be a fan of genuine homemade porn!
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  • yupicvutu
  •   Portugal
      49 anos de idade
  • manolo656
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      45 anos de idade
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  •   16/02/23
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  •   21/10/22
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