Squirting like a fire a fire hose

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02 min 05 seg
For those of you who think squirting is just pee... you're WAY wrong. It doesn't smell like pee, taste like pee, stain the sheets like pee, etc, and if you learn to do it your woman will tell you she sure didn't just pee. You can email me at the same user name address at hotmail if you want to learn how to do this. I will only reveal the secret to those who comment on the video. Include your username in the email request. Your choice - free porn and free instruction for a couple of kind words... it gets her off.
Ejaculação Feminina
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Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-22 23:55:51
nicee one
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-22 23:55:53
Sorry to dissapoint you pal, but it is impossible to squirt from the vagina. Take it from a physician... Your gal is simply squirting urine from her urethra at he height of her pleasure. Ask any real doctor.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-22 23:56:50
Sorry to admit, the doc is right.
Submetido por: tuviewyu em 2007-12-23 00:09:59
nothing about pussy....may know a vagina.....amrita...as known in india for a very long time...it ain't urine.
Submetido por: tuviewyu em 2007-12-23 00:12:04
little about pussy...knows his vaginas...amrita....as known in india...it aint urine.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 00:52:13
The Doc should have his licence revoked...he knows nothing about female ejaculate.
Submetido por: grlover em 2007-12-23 00:57:26
Squirt IS NOT urine. It is of serous nature and believed to orginate from the Skene's paraurethral glands. It is odourless and tasteless.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 02:05:20
very nice vid, awesome
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 02:25:38
Man if most males wasn't always in such a hurry to get their damn rocks off and took the time out to love up on a woman correctly you will find there are all types of things the body can do. It is very possible for the vagina to squirt/gush and every female can do I've yet to have a woman who could not. Now there's been times when it was harder to do on some compare to others it depends a lot on the depth of the woman your dealing with and finding the gland
Submetido por: bobyperu em 2007-12-23 03:11:13
She is devoted to your fingers and yells so nice. She must be having a great time.
Submetido por: mage em 2007-12-23 04:30:05
love the clip, love the sounds
Submetido por: blackmoonlord em 2007-12-23 04:46:36
Great vid. Post more!
Submetido por: sevenup em 2007-12-23 05:51:25
Very erotic video
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 07:57:38
i wanna know how to do that!
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 07:59:14
little violent masturbation bt seems to be the right thing to do.. … interesting to follow the discussion whether or this is urine … curious here too. can this be compared to male precum ? ? ?
Submetido por: gloriann em 2007-12-23 08:44:57
it's not urine, it is a fluid, and the orgasm that accompanies the squirting is amazing. I don't know if it compares to male pre-cum, but I don't think so. BTW, I am a female who can squirt. It's puzzling to me, if he really is a doctor, that a physician doesn't know anything about the female anatomy.
Submetido por: toolman99 em 2007-12-23 09:51:28
It's just amazing how she does this...How!
Submetido por: holapats em 2007-12-23 09:55:07
Awesome video mate...
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 11:51:45
BIENNNNNN,un 10,es lindo
Submetido por: kris12399 em 2007-12-23 14:11:04
gr8 vid and thanx, and for the men who says squirt is pee it normaly means they have never got there gf to reach an orgasm
Submetido por: jerry88oliver em 2007-12-23 15:17:25
Beautiful pussy. Love the way she is shaved. Still got a thick bush yet trimmed back to be out of the way. Would love to clean her up with my tounge. Thanks for posting.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 16:04:08
I soooo love that....squirting women!! I just don't get why some people who claim to know everything want to dispell it.....it's not pee, period. I have had women piss on me, and squirt on me..... they are definately not the same fluids!!! You guys get 100+ points from me!!! and... where in Cali? The Central Coast needs you!!
Submetido por: n8tvtxn em 2007-12-23 17:36:45
she is awesome and really seems to enjoy it! post more!!
Submetido por: kinkykiwi em 2007-12-23 20:14:47
wow - hot video - hope you have nore to show
Submetido por: tomak2 em 2007-12-23 21:32:33
How do I give my wife an orgasm like that???
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-23 21:49:16
that was a very nice video id love to make my girl squirt please give me some tips!! dmouse22@hotmail.com please post more
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-24 02:25:50
It's amazing how stupid people really are...The physician is correct. A woman lubricating is not the same as a woman squirting. Get a life people. Skene's glands...give me a break. It's PISS people!!!!!!!!!
Submetido por: calicouplein2fun em 2007-12-25 03:01:37
Some people in this world are waaaaaayyyyy stupid. The guy who claims to be a Dr. either missed his female anatomy class or he's went to med ***** back in the 50s before the Gafenberg Spot was discovered and investigated. Sorry, but squirting is not urine. It doesn't look like urine (it's clear), doesn't smell like urine (has no odor), doesn't stain the sheets like urine, doesn't taste like urine, and when you learn to do this - your woman will DEFINATELY tell you she didn't just pee. Just because you haven't figured out how to make your woman do it doesn't mean that she can't cu
Submetido por: calicouplein2fun em 2007-12-25 03:03:36
cum this way and wouldn't GET OFF big time from doing it (which I offered to explain in detail to you how to make it happen). I really get annoyed by "self professed" experts. As a Nuclear Engineer and a "relatively" educated man, do you actually think I haven't researched this quite a bit?
Submetido por: noda89 em 2007-12-26 03:36:39
For the idiots and so called 'doctors' where the fuck did you get your license!?!? That is NOT urine! I know, I'm a female!!! Very nice btw, you two look like ya'll have a fun all the time.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-12-29 18:05:13
If you don't know the difference...once you tatse it you will know!!
Submetido por: mandingo67 em 2007-12-31 05:15:41
I have never been with a squirter, teach me, I want to makemy wife squirt  gave her the first orgsm when i got with her, I was the first man to do this, I want to learn how to make her squirt like thatomarsm01@yahoo.com
Submetido por: vasis2008 em 2008-02-02 12:58:35
keep up the good work
Submetido por: wizard em 2008-02-25 18:29:00
Incredible ....would love to know the secret. GF says its not possible to ejaculate, that it is pee..I say she is wrong and would love the secret to make her squirt...Thanks Ian
Submetido por: lou50 em 2008-02-25 18:29:59
gr8 vid, and she does have a beautiful looking pussy!!! share your secret please...lroy48@hotmail.com
Submetido por: feelsgreat56 em 2008-02-25 19:56:29
I don't understand it. You people postmessages on here but don't use a sceen name. What are you afraid you dumb asses that don't know anything butget tons of messages. Female can ejaculate. And no it's not pee either. Get a freaking grip on life and research the net before flapping you lips/ typing. Another words shut up until you know facts. STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submetido por: skigirl83 em 2008-03-16 00:41:55
Submetido por: mandingo67 em 2008-03-23 14:47:42
Hey, my wife finally squirted, it was during a 69 session, no fingering or anything just some good o'l fashion tongue lashing, it wasnt a big stream, but it was enough to wet my mouth and nose..... Happy Easter
Submetido por: tragus52 em 2008-04-30 01:00:05
WOuld love to be able to get my wife to squirt like that. We have lots of oral fun and I often use a dildo, but have been unable to squirt. But won't give up trying
Submetido por: mandingo67 em 2008-05-19 01:27:39
she's squirting everytime we have sex now, even more than the frst tme.
Submetido por: marty37 em 2008-09-14 20:11:39
over the past year or so I finally got my wife to squirm and squirt like yours. She even gets those wonderful quivers in her thighs that go on for minutes after. I only wish that she video the event. Thanks
Submetido por: ass_admirer em 2008-10-11 20:26:09
Have you noticed how wet you are before squirting? Ah I love the sound. This is absolutely the best of your videos. Most certainly a 5+star
Submetido por: benbenben em 2009-04-25 21:49:29
This vid is so sexy! I'd love to see more! Love to hear her get off.
Submetido por: tadichgrill em 2009-05-18 17:50:47
It sure must be a lot of fun. Please tell me your secret.
Submetido por: queen_fluffy em 2012-01-11 14:21:56
I have been trying to squirt for some time, can you help me
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