Squirting like a fountain

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00 min 35 seg
I love to squirt and hve intense orgasam's see for yourself
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Submetido por: tao em 2008-01-10 21:54:07
Linda meá!
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2008-01-10 21:56:51
that was one if not the best video on here i am a huge fan of squirting i wish i had a penny to throw and make a wish in that fountain!! if you r interested in pic trading my email des_green420@yahoo.com
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2008-01-10 22:16:25
Excellant ! !
Submetido por: femejaclvr em 2008-01-10 22:21:49
please post more... that was super!!!
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2008-01-10 23:49:52
to see a REAL squirter, so many wanna-bee's. Her shaking legs and going quiet while she was squirting were true as can be, my wife does it exactly the same way....I usually have to hold her up as her legs give out. Splendid clip sweetie.
Submetido por: qq em 2008-01-11 00:28:46
I would luv to ride you doggy style while you squirt all over my balls while they banging at your ass , more please 5 stars ,wish there was 10
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2008-01-11 03:06:23
Submetido por: kyxtian em 2008-01-11 03:40:49
I've heard of cumming in buckets, but this takes it to a new level. I'm impressed! Thank you for sharing!
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2008-01-12 15:14:05
Submetido por: kittysquirter em 2008-01-13 19:02:12
Thanks for the great comment’s, check out my website http://www.southern-charms4.com/kitty/main.htm, and let all of your friends know about it hugs and squirts Kitty
Submetido por: schlut2000 em 2008-03-01 07:30:48
superbement bon
Submetido por: femmefatale2008 em 2008-03-09 04:09:11
nice NON SQUIRT..... trust me she is by no means squirting..... she is peeing you dont start and stop like that and there is not a peeing sound when you squirt....god people learn what is real and what is not
Submetido por: ozyguy em 2008-04-02 03:47:34
I loved it, wish I could be there.
Submetido por: loco1581 em 2008-04-02 07:33:36
nice show baby let me see more
Submetido por: epcple em 2008-04-09 08:34:33
Fantastic vid. what a babe!
Submetido por: schlut2000 em 2008-04-10 17:16:01
Submetido por: sjoerd123 em 2009-01-08 22:36:13
Submetido por: squirtingwife em 2009-08-06 18:18:02
Nice squirt
Submetido por: warthog5 em 2017-08-08 13:26:35
Yep...She's a Good squirter. :)
Submetido por: wollgart em 2018-10-28 22:02:45
That is so pretty !
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