Indian Girl1 -2min51

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02 min 52 seg
First, I ask her to take off colthes
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Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-17 06:11:44
She's turkish and he's a stupid german asshole talking crap.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-17 06:14:39
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-17 06:35:45
could be indian or turkish, who cares shes still hot and we know with the player we'll be seeing more sooooooooon :-)
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-17 09:52:58
correct, beeing german, i can tell you, that guy must be stupid ...
Submetido por: theplayer em 2006-11-17 10:26:27
She's not turkish, it is you guys who are assholes! I will stop posting videos if people think my work is crap.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-17 10:52:06
hey bro your videos are awesome....keep posting them. it seems only the asses seem to post something but you have an audience
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-17 12:46:09
oooh, the players getting upset...god, i wish he stopped talking, his voice is so annoying...
Submetido por: juniper599 em 2006-11-17 14:05:58
Beautiful beyond belief, mail me at for sexy chat , yu are the hottest ive seen on here for ages
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-18 16:22:47
Sikerim ßoyLe iSi!!
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-19 02:56:38
more close up of her pussy and just a nice blow job at the end
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-19 05:57:57
It appears she has not done this before. And I thought snap crotches would be sexier.
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-19 17:07:59
Player, ignore these assholes! Continue posting your incredible videos. I want to see you fuck this bitch!
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-19 23:40:20
What are you talking about, the player is a swingerclub-owner and these are his candidates ....
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2006-11-20 08:36:51
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-02-06 11:57:00
harika hatun
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-06-02 14:48:26
vay anasini sayin seyirciler, dunyada neler oluyor
Submetido por: Anónimo em 2007-07-21 17:45:32
I love to fuck turkish women . They are very good on bed.