em6224 informação pessoal

  United States
  • em6224

  • Profissão: Professional
  • Interesses: Sex of course, yuvu chat
  • Género: Feminino
  • Data de nascimento: 1959
  • Etnia: Caucasiano
  • Estado de relacionamento: Numa relação monogâmica
  • Sexualidade: Bisexual
  • Fumador: Não Fumador
  • Peso: 170 cm 5 ft 7 in
  • Tipo de corpo: Magro


LOVE HAVING TRIBUTES POSTED ON YUVU!!! I'm on chat as often as i can be!

em6224 videos

 - GILF Looks Back 31 yrs
  •   4K
  •  03/03/25
  •  69%
 - GILF Looks Back 35 Yrs
  •   5K
  •  28/02/25
  •  73%
 - Flashback - 59 yr old MILF
  •   9K
  •  16/03/23
  •  68%
 - 64 Yr Old MILF Blowjob
  •   20K
  •  02/03/23
  •  69%
 - Mature Flashback - 51 Yrs Old
  •   21K
  •  30/01/23
  •  78%
 - 64 Yr Old MILF Oral skills
  •   10K
  •  27/12/22
  •  62%

em6224 fotos

em6224 blogs

HAZARDS OF WAXING (from a friend)
waxing fiasco - from a friend
I sent this to my cyber girlies last nite ,
not been a good evening so far, I tryed the *Sally Hansen* all over hot wax remover , and she should have her ass kicked !!! or worse , this shit is all over me and I cant get it off !!! I tried a nice long strip from above my bellybutton to the base of my *used to be prettypeter* , and when I held the skin taught like the instructions said and jerked up on the strip ,I almost shit my( no) pants, !!!! That hurt worse than anything I ever tryed in all my years !!! and believe me I done some stupid shit !!! so some of the hair and some of the wax came off , but not all , How do you get the rest of this bullshit off ???I tried the little bottle of soothing whatever lotion and it didnt take the residue that is left off, tryed some sanitary hand cleaner , nope, dont work , I even tryed Hopps # 9 shotgun cleaning solution and it wont cut the damm wax and now evry time I bend over my dick sticks to my belly , and then it hurts to pull it back off , I look like a damm skunk with a white stripe up my belly from the base of my cock and now the skin has turned all red and looks like a damm strawberry and I have the stuff on my fingers and if I touch anywhere it just sticks to it. You women can have this stuff , I have a new found respect for what a women does to keep herself smooth, she's tougher than she looks I'll say ,
So call me a chicken !!! Fuk, yes I am!!!! , I wont be doing anymore waxing , never...... ever .....again , so hope you and _ _ _ _ _ understand , but Ill leave the waxing to someone else , oh, if we ever cam, dont look at my cock, its not prettypeter any more , its hedious with the hair strip missing ................ I dont know why I ever wanted to investgate this waxing stuff , other than next week is my birthday and I wanted to surprise my babe with a new me , I just called her to ask her advice on getting the rest of the wax residue off , and she told me I was fucked till it rubs off, or the natural skin oils kick in to remove it ............... I'm a patch work tonite , I dont know what to do ......................
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mrfun166 said:
You are still super yummy Em
BeautifulMay said:
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