Some years ago I worked for a company that had branches invarious parts of England. I ran an office within easy reach of my home and the head office near London. However, one branch was right up in the North-East and this meant that the director in charge of that office, I'll call him Fred, needed to travel South and stay somewhere the night before our monthly board meetings. I got on well with him and before one meeting offered to put him up for the night. When he arrived he suggested that my wife and I went out with him for a meal and drinks as his treat to repay us for our hospitality. We all got along well and probably drank a little nore than we should have done. During the course of the evening my wife said that she hoped that he would be warm enough in our guest room. I jokingly suggested that if he was not then he'd have to share our bed so as to keep warm.
As I say, we had a pleasant evening and it was bedtime soon after we got home. We'd not been in bed for very long when there came a call from the guest room "You're right, it's not very warm in here, are you ready for me to join you?".
Shock, horror, he thought I was serious when I'd made my joking comment! Being a very conventional couple we'd never contemplated such a thing so I immediately called back that I was sorry but that I thought that it had got too late and that we really should try to get to sleep because we had to get up early the next day as it was a normal *****/work day - well, I didn't want to appear to be un-cool did I.
Because I had to drop the ***** off at ***** and then drive to my office to open-up etc.. I left before Fred made an appearance. Actually, we'd arranged the night before that it would be least disruptive to our normal routine if he waited until the ***** and I had left the house before getting up.
Later in the day, after the board meeting, he thanked me for putting him up for the night and said that he had decided to leave straight away to drive back to Yorkshire rather than stay for another night and drive home the following morning as we had agreed the previous evening. He asked if I would again pass on his thanks to my wife for her hospitality and that if the offer still stood he'd like to stay with us again at the time of the next meeting. This was quite gratifying as on previous occasions he'd always stayed with our boss.

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