randy-andy blogs

A Fantasy

It starts in the bar of the hotel with us having a few drinks. It's a great evening, you and I are getting on so well and laughing and joking and having a great time together. We are also flirting a lot and there's lots of 'accidental' touching and feeling and there are knowing glances between us. The time goes really quickly cos we are enjoying ourselves so much, and soon it's time for us to go up to our room. We enter into an elevator and whilst it is going upwards I take your hand and pull you towards me and gently kiss you on your lips, slowly, sensuously...... I slip my tongue into your mouth for the briefest of instances, I don't want to give you all of it just yet. The doors of the elevator open, and we walk out into the corridor and along to our room. Because of all the alcohol we've drunk, we are laughing and giggling as I open the door and we go into the bedroom. It's a lovely, beautifully decorated room, with a 4-poster bed in it's centre.

Without either of us saying anything, we climb onto the bed and lay down together. I look deeply into your eyes and I can see that you want things to go much, much further so I pull you close and kiss you, this time slipping my tongue deeply into your mouth, loving the taste of your tongue. My arms are wrapped around you and I caress your face and the back of your neck as we kiss. My heart is beating fast and my breaths are getting shorter. Your hand is feeling its way down my body, on my chest and then you finally place your hand on my hardened prick, and it feels sooooooo nice. As you rub your hand over it, our kissing becomes more intense. I look into your eyes and tell you that I want you and I want to go all the way; without saying anything you sit up and take off your top and bra, and I see your naked breasts for the first time. I reach up and cup them in my hands, gently squeezing them and then I lick and suck on your nipples, making you groan softly with pleasure. After a while, I stop and undo my shirt and let you feel my chest, whilst I remove your skirt, and now you're almost naked. I slowly take down your knickers - all the while looking up at you.  You fumble at my trousers, fumble because you urgently want my cock in your mouth. I help you and in a moment my hard prick is exposed to you, and I lie back and feel you kissing my chest, then working your way down. I close my eyes in delight as I feel your wet lips on my cock, your tongue licking the tip and shaft, and suddenly you take me all the way into your mouth. The feeling is almost unbearable as you move your head up and down, my hands gently caressing your hair as you suck greedily on my cock. I can't stand it much longer, I feel I am about to explode, so I tell you to stop and lie back on the bed. As you do so, I move down and you open your legs wide to allow me to lick your wet pussy. First working on your pussy lips, then I gently, so gently, suck on your clit, licking it, kissing it, exciting you and making you shiver, wave after wave of pleasure goes through your body. You taste divine, your love juices are flowing all over my lips and tongue.  I can feel your hips rising and falling, and there is an almost serene look of ecstasy on your face.....

After what seems like an eternity, you tell me that you want me inside you - so I stop and lie back on the bed, and you straddle me. My cock slips easily into you, you are so wet, you want me so badly. You move back and forth, slowly at first, and I reach up and draw you close and kiss you. Moving faster now, I can feel I am about to cum, cum harder than I have ever done before. I am almost at the edge, again I tell you I want you so much, I want to cum in you. Your muscles are making my cock quiver and then I cum and cum and cum inside you, filling you with my liquid love. At the same time, I can feel you cumming as well, your spasms make my orgasm soooooo much more intense than ever before. All the time we have been looking into each other's faces, our souls connected in that brief moment.

Spent, I hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me, and we talk until we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Then in the morning we do it all over again  ;-)

  •  randy-andy
  • Interesses:
  • knitting and serial fucking
  • Género
  • Masculino
  • Profissão:
  • MI5-type job
  • Data de nascimento:
  • 1964
  • Etnia:
  • Caucasiano
  • Estado de relacionamento:
  • Livre e solteiro
  • Sexualidade:
  • Hetero
  • Fumador:
  • Peso:
  • 160 cm 5 ft 3 in
  • Tipo de corpo:
  • Magro
  • Atributos sexuais:
  • Pequeno
  • Educação:
  • Secundário
  • Nacionalidade:
  • United Kingdom
  • País de residência:
  • United Kingdom
  • Localidade:
  • Cidade:
  • Data de registo:
  • 2008-01-09
  • Última visita:
  • Necessita de ser um membro subscrito para visualizar esta informação.
  • Disponível para Encontros:
  • Não
 - Twitching Cock
  •   4K
  •  09/01/08
  •  63%
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