hotpolarbear blogs

From the vault ... (Pt 2)

You’ve had enough of sitting still and rip the blindfold off. Pulling me off your cock, you push me onto the floor and sit astride me, a wicked grin on your face. You take a spoonful of ice cream and let it drip onto my breast. I feels so cold as it lands on my nipple. And then your mouth is there sucking and your tongue flicking. You do the same to the other breast.

As you lean over me I can feel your cock hard against my stomach and I want you so much. I try to push you off me but it’s impossible. You take your mouth away and tell me to lay still. I do. You get off me and push my legs open wide. Then you put some ice cream in your mouth and immediately lean down and suck my clit into your mouth. The shock of the cold is immediate, followed by the heat of your mouth.

But I need you inside me. I gently push your head away and you look up at me and smile. You know. You move in between my legs and I wrap them around you and try to pull you close to me.

Now it’s your turn to tease me. You want me as much as I want you, but you have to have a little revenge. Your hand reaches down in between us and you lightly stroke my clit, barely touching it, but I am so wet, so ready for you. I lift my hips to get closer to your hand, but you move away, and I know I have to relax and let you do what you want. You carry on gently stroking me, and I am breathing harder and harder. You know when to stop so that I don’t cum. And I don’t want to. Not without you inside me. You take hold of your cock and just hold it against my cunt. It’s more than I can take. My legs close around you and I lift my hips and you slide inside me so easily. It’s where you belong.

Your cock goes deep, and you start to fuck me, slowly at first and always deep. My eyes hold yours. I want to give you everything I have and I want to take everything from you.

You’re moving faster now, and I match your rhythm. Easily. We know each other so well. We’re both so close to cumming. You lean down and kiss me hard, your tongue snaking into my mouth, so it feels like you’re fucking me there as well.

Then I feel it. Warmth spreading all over me, finally centering in my cunt. My muscles grip you tight, hard. And then tighter and harder, as I cum around your beautiful cock. And then you cum, fucking me so hard and deep, your cum filling me, overflowing. The feeling is so intense, and seems to last for ages - the longest it ever has. But it does end, and neither of us can catch our breath. We’re looking at each other, smiling. Then you pull out of me, and I feel empty. But we’re in our room and we don’t have to leave until we want to …...

I wandered into the story vault and found this ... (Pt 1)

You are wearing a blindfold before I lead you into the room. Our playroom. I don’t want you to see what’s on the table.

I lead you to a chair and tell you to sit down. There’s a little smile on your face as you wonder what I’ve dreamt up. I go to the table and make my first choice.

I place something against your lips and you flinch slightly, just out of surprise, then you open your mouth and taste. Prawn mayonnaise. You take it from my fingers and lick your lips. I give you more and a little mayonnaise drips onto your chest. You move your hand to wipe it away, but I stop you and use my tongue to clean you. Now you are beginning to get the idea. A few more prawns and my fingers are really messy.

The next time I place something against your lips, it’s my fingers, and as soon as you realise this, you lick and suck each one clean. By the time you’ve finished, your cock is beautifully hard. And I am so very wet. But not yet. The wait is the tease, the best part - the chase, the hunt, before the prey is captured.

There is a little mayonnaise left on your lips and I use the tip of my tongue to lick you clean. And you just let me. And I can hear you breathing hard.

The back to the table for the next course. Short pasta, with strips of chicken, in more sauce. Tomato this time.

I feed you again and this time you try and nip my fingers, which earns you a light slap on your thigh. You try and grab my hand, laughing, but I push it back down and you relax back into the chair, smiling.

I take a piece of chicken and stroke it across your lips and your tongue follows. But what you can’t see next is that I place it between my teeth and then give it to you, so that when you go to take it, you find my lips and I just kiss you lightly and move away, letting you eat the chicken. Then my lips are back on yours, and my tongue pushes into your mouth. My hands reach down and hold yours where they are, not letting you touch me. You try to break free, but I hold you down and you give in. We kiss for a long time and all I want is to let go of your hands and feel them moving all over me. Touching, stroking. But not yet. Soon, but not yet.

I go back to the table and pick up two things. One is a glass of chilled white wine. I place it against your mouth and you drink and I kiss you lightly, tasting the wine on your lips.

The other thing is a bowl of ice cream. I let you have some, and then deliberately let some drip down on to your chest and your stomach. You flinch at the cold, but you know what I’m going to do.

My tongue feels warm as I lick the ice cream off you. Then, even though you can’t see me, I look up at you and grin. The next drips of ice cream fall on your cock, but I don’t give you time to flinch before my tongue and mouth descend on you, licking and sucking.

Ho Ho Ho .....


As is my custom at this time of year, I'm sending big bear hugs to all my friends on Yuvu. Merry Christmas everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hmmmmm ......

I spotted this in the Metro (London newspaper) last night, on the letters page ...

"I think I have the best job. I edit adult entertainment all day, every day and get paid for doing it.


Hmmm ... I wonder ... I await a confession or denial from Admin! pmsl!!

It's that time of year again ...

... so I'm sending out love and special bear hugs, Merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone on Yuvu. Have a great time! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh I do love the internet!!! pmsl!!!
The Italian Job

In a hotel room, Jim Morrison is in one corner with the rest of his band; in another corner are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star - all are naked.

Monica Lewinsky walks in, squats seductively in front of Jim Morrison and begins to play the pink oboe. She gives him the presidential treatment then moves on to his guitarist, bassist, then his drummer and the keyboard player.

When she's finished, she licks her lips and wanders over to John Lennon and begins to do the same to him.

At that moment, there's a huge crash and Michael Caine smashes through a wall in a Mini-Cooper. He jumps out, grabs her by the scruff of the neck and shouts ............

"Oi, you're only supposed to blow the bloody Doors off!""

Just a few quotes ...

... that I found on the internet, that I rather like. Hope someone else does too. And, yes, Bear is in a soppy mood ... :)

You know you love someone when the mere thought of losing them brings you to tears.

Goodbye is only truly painful if you know you'll never say hello again.

The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.

Just the thought of being with you tomorrow is enough to get me through today.

I tell you goodnight with tears in my eyes. I wish I was there curled up by your side, Time passes, but not fast enough. I try to be strong, but I'm not that tough. When I feel your embrace it will be all right. But my heart aches for you on this lonely night.

I am here and you are there - one of us is in the wrong place!

Sometimes I miss you so much, I just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you!

Love is not who you can see yourself with - it's who you can't see yourself without.

I may forget what you said, but I'll never forget how you made me feel.

The only men worth loving are the ones that will take time just to be with you.

Today is ...

... Keyser's birthday!!! Happy Birthday to You, dear Wolfie! And many happy returns of the day, hunny! Hugs and kisses from Baby Bear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It's OC's birthday!

Happy Birthday, you sweet young thing!!! Lol! And many happy returns! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well, it's nearly that time of year again ...

... so I thought I would get in early and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Especially to all the lovely people I've met on here ... and all the lovely people I have yet to meet! lol! Hope everyone has a wonderful time, and that you've all been good, so that Santa will give you everything you've asked for! pmsl!!!

Big hugs from the Bear!


Why do people have to leave nasty comments?

Just found this left on one of my vids ... 'cover up ffs,your body is fuckin disgusting'. Why??? We don't all like the same things. You watch a vid and like what you see, leave a nice comment. You don't like it ... just move on and say nothing. There's no need to insult someone who's had the courage to make a vid and post it. Needless to say, the person in question has posted no vids of their own. I haven't deleted it ... but I have left my own comment ...  ;-)

Posted a new vid ...

yesterday, and it's already disappeared to the bottom of page 3! What a lot of naughty people we are! lol! You can find it on my profile page. Enjoy! :D

Last time I posted this, it seemed to get lost, so I'm trying again! :-)

Posted a story in the forum ... go on read it! You might like it! Not you, Keyser, you've already read it! lol!

Here's the link:

Story time

Just posted a story in the forum. Here's the link ...

Read and enjoy!

Any point ...

.... in my saying this again?? Could someone please do something about the blogs! Post after long post in a foreign language, with pictures! Could we PLEASE go back to just a short piece of the blog showing ... we are intelligent enough to figure out if we want to read more!! And pictures belong in the photo section! And videos in the video section!

Stu_uk - Genius

I would like to publicly state that Stu is a 24k gold genius, worth his weight in chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!

He's got my webcame working again! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stu, Bear luv's ya!!!!!!!!!


Blogs ...

I really am about ready to give up on blogs altogether! Please can we go back to the old style! No pics, no vids, and just a short piece of the blog! We're all capable of clicking on 'read more' if we want to read the rest! And maybe split them up into different languages, like the forum?

Rindercella and her sugly isters (this may be old, but it's funny!)

Rindercella and her sugly isters lived in a marge lansion. Rindercella worked very hard frubbing scloors, emptying poss pits, and shivelling shot. At the end of the day, she was knucking fackered. The sugly isters were right bugly astards. One was called Mary Hinge, and the other was called Betty Swallocks; they were really forrible huckers; they had fetty sweet and fetty swannies. The sugly isters had tickets to go to the ball, but the cotton runts would not let Rindercella go. Suddenly there was a bucking fang, and her gairy fodmother appeared. Her name was Shairy Hithole and she was a light rucking fesbian. She turned a pumpkin and six mite wice into a hucking cuge farriage with six dandy ronkeys who had buge hollocks and dig bicks. The gairy fodmother told Rindercella to be back by dimnlight otherwise, there would be a cucking falamity. At the ball, Rindercella was dancing with the prandsome hince when suddenly the clock struck twelve. 'Mist all chucking frighty!!!' said Rindercella, and she ran out tripping barse over ollocks, so dropping her slass glipper. The very next day the prandsome hince knocked on Rindercella's door and the sugly isters let him in. Suddenly, Betty Swallocks lifted her leg and let off a fig bart. 'Who's fust jarted??' asked the prandsome hince. 'Blame that fugly ucker over there!!' said Mary Hinge. When the stinking brown cloud had lifted, he tried the slass glipper on both the sugly isters without success and their feet stucking funk. Betty Swallocks was ducking fisgusted and gave the prandsome hince a knack in the kickers. This was not difficult as he had bucking fuge halls and a hig bard on. He tried the slass glipper on Rindercella and it fitted pucking ferfectly. Rindercella and the prandsome hince were married. The pransome hince lived his life in lucking fuxury, and Rindercella lived hers with a follen swanny.

Don't know ....
… who wrote this, but I like it. Hope you do too ….
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Forget the ones who don’t.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
A happy poem!

I guess all you've had from me is sad poems so far. But this one isn't. Hope you like it ...

Phone rings
Heart beats
Butterflies and smiles
Doorbell rings
Heart flies
Butterflies flown
Eyes locked
Hold me …
… always
It's Christmas ...

... so I want to wish all of you a great time, but special wishes to all the lovely people I've met on here. There's too damn many of you, but you all know who you are! Enjoy yourselves whatever you do and wherever you are, and Happy New Year too!

Big hugs from the bear ...


Will You ...?

Will You …?

I want that first kiss,
Soft and hesitant.
Arms wrapped around me
Safe and warm.
Will you …?
I want to feel your fingers
On my skin … electric.
Followed by soft lips
And a warm tongue.
Will you …?
I want you to hear
My sighs.
I want you to feel
My flesh quiver.
Will you …?
I want the newness
Of it all.
I want you to make it
Like the first time again.
Will you …?
Can you chase
My daemons away?
Can you make me
Smile again?
Will you …?
I defy any man who reads this not to go 'ouch'!

One day a construction worker left the job a little early, and when he got home he found his wife in bed with another man. Purple with rage, he hauled the man down the stairs and into the garage where he proceeded to secure his dick in a vice.
Utterly terrified, the man screamed, "Stop, stop! you're not going to cut it off, are you? ARE YOU?"
"Nope," replied the construction worker, "You are...I'm going to set the garage on fire."

For Martin ... ;-)

A man hears a knock at his door. He opens the door, looks around, and sees noone there but a snail at the foot of the door. He picks up the snail, looks at it, and then tosses it across his front yard.

Three years later, the man hears a knock at his door. He opens it and sees that same snail at the foot of his door.

The snail looks up at him and says, "What the fuck was that about?"

From ???? to me ...

Written for me by an 'anonymous' admirer, although you may be able to figure out who it is ... ahhhh, but will we meet?? Let kismet decide ...

Your words and presence on my screen
Are all I need to fulfil my desire
This burning inside, the most intense it's ever been
Your sexual nature fuels the fire

I've wanted to make you mine for some time now
To kiss you, to hold you, all those things
That make my breath short and my mind go "Pow!"
In our affair it's clear you pull the heart strings

My body reacts each time that I see you
Hard cock, stiff and proud
I want you to fuck me, the way that you'd like to
Soft and slowly as you once vowed

Meet me for real and I'm sure we'll end up in bed
Fucking like animals, I'll lick your cunt so wet
Baby, I just know that you'd love to give me head
Suck my cock dry even though we'd just met

And so...

Polar, I ask you to bare all with me so that one day
We can look back and remember this time
'Cos if we don't get together soon, people will say
That fate committed a terrible crime...

Shattered Emotions

Shattered emotions

Heart and mind colliding.

My heart tells me

What I want

My mind tells me

I can’t have it.

Am I too old?

Should all this wanting

Be laid to rest?

No, not too old

Just too afraid

To let my heart

Take one step aside

And avoid collision

With my mind’s

Sensible thoughts.

Maybe one day

There will be

Someone there

To soften the blow.

Someone who will

Catch my heart

And give my mind

Some peace.

Heart Broken

Heart broken

Lying in pieces on the floor

Each piece showing a reflection

Of a moment in time

When I hurt

And as I stand there

And look around me

All I see are pieces of my heart …

… broken

My Heart ...

Now I may not be able to write poetry (can't rhyme for toffees!), but prose is another matter ...

My heart is there if you look for it.

In the corner of a small garden

Behind a wall with a locked door.

My heart is there if you look for it.

The key to that door has to be found.

There is a name engraved on it - ‘Trust’.

My heart is there if you look for it.

Walk softly in the garden

For my heart is a shy creature.

My heart is there if you look for it.

And if you find it, stand quietly

Let it grow accustomed to your presence.

My heart is there if you look for it.

And if you should pick it up

Hold it carefully, for it is oh so fragile.

My heart is there if you look for it.

Just waiting ...

Sorry ... this is a sad one ...

I have no idea why I'm posting this ... I was feeling very miserable and just wrote it in about 3 minutes, no corrections ...

I sit in the garden,


 Eyes closed

 To shut out the world.

 55 … married,

 Controlled … caged …

 No special friend for me,

 Like so many others.

 No-one whose face

 Makes me smile,

 No-one whose voice

 Send shivers down my spine.

 No-one to love …

 No-one to love me …

 I sit in the garden


 Just me and two tracks of tears …

An American in London .. Part 2

I have no idea why the first try at this got messed up! Sorry! If you left a comment ... leave it again! lol!

 I made dinner, and we ate with slow jazz playing quietly in the background. We talked, all nerves gone. And he confessed he’d been just as nervous as me! The wine was good, relaxing us even more. Then time for coffee. He laughed softly and followed me into the kitchen. This was a fantasy we’d played out so often on line and now I was going to experience it for real! I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous about making the perfect cup of fresh coffee!! While it was brewing, he stood behind me, arms around me, kissing the back of my neck, nibbling my ear, whispering what he was going to do. I leant back against him as his hands unbuttoned my shirt, cupped and squeezed my breasts, thumbs teasing my nipples, making me gasp.

  By the time the coffee was ready, we were both naked. I poured two cups and we took them upstairs. I lay down on the bed, and he smiled down at me, eyes shining. He took some coffee in his mouth, held it there for a few seconds, then swallowed. Then his mouth and tongue descended on my nipple. My back arched up towards him as his hot tongue swirled and teased. More coffee, more kisses on my body, tongue gentle, but wicked. Working his way down, then teasing and returning to my nipples. I was so wet, throbbing, aching. Kisses along my inner thighs, one last drink of coffee, a soft kiss on my pussy lips and then his hot tongue was licking over my clit, long, slow licks, while my hips arched off the bed, trying to push harder against him. But he moved back. Oh this wasn’t how I imagined it would be … this was so much better!!!!! His tongue slid inside me, moving slowly in and out, then back to my clit, until I begged him, please, please make me cum. He sucked my clit into his mouth, tongue seeking out the perfect place to lick. He knew when he’d found it, because I came almost immediately. I think I screamed. I can’t remember! He didn’t stop, wouldn’t stop. I just kept cumming until I had to push him away. He held me, kissed me so I could taste myself on his tongue. I looked at him, speechless, shaking my head in wonder. He’d tried to tell me how good it would be, but he hadn’t even come close!!!!

  My coffee wasn’t exactly hot by now, but it would have to do. I wasn’t going to go and make some more. Not now! I pushed him back onto the bed. I kissed him, stroked him, finding the places that made him shiver. Then the coffee, my warm kisses on his skin, my warm tongue licking. His cock was hard, jerking, as I kissed and teased. I took some coffee in my mouth and held it there, letting it heat my tongue. I swallowed and immediately took the whole length of his cock in my mouth, letting it rest against my tongue, making him moan. I could feel his cock throbbing on my tongue. I started to lick and suck, tongue swirling over the head, lips sliding up and down him. He was moving with me, but not trying to push his cock deeper into my mouth. Just letting me do it my way. He was saying my name over and over. How I love to hear him say it.

   I could taste his pre-cum as I licked and sucked. I kept the rhythm going, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he’d given me. His breathing got harder and faster. Then my mouth was flooded with him. Every drop swallowed and savoured. I didn’t stop until he gently touched my head. I held his cock for a few more seconds, then reluctantly moved away. He opened his arms to me and I lay against him as we fell asleep.

An American in London ... Part 1

One phone call was all it took to turn my life upside down. My American, my sweet Southern gentleman was coming to London! In four weeks! And staying for two! With me!!!! All I could do was gasp and splutter when he told me. And he laughed at me! I took down all the details, my mind whirling. After I hung up, I stood there looking at the piece of paper, grinning like an idiot and shaking like a leaf!

  Four weeks later, the house was sparkling, there was a good stock of food, wine … and coffee!!! Oh and new lingerie!!! And there I was at the airport. Early of course. Nervous, scared, exhilarated. I kept watching the board … yes, flight still on time …. time may fly when you’re having fun, but it crawls when you’re waiting!!! Then it changed to flight landed … and my heart jumped to the back of my throat. I went straight to the gate, got right to the front of the barrier, by the doors and waited … oh god, what if he didn’t like me in person? What if I didn’t like him?!?!? Stop it, woman! Everything will be fine … you’ll see.

   The doors opened and the passengers started coming out. And there he was … we hugged over the barrier and held hands as we walked to the end … then we were in each other’s arms, kissing. Just like in the movies! We separated and just looked into each other’s eyes, smiling and laughing. I stroked the dear face that I’d come to know so well on cam and he took my hand and placed a soft kiss on my palm. And whispered my name, knowing how it made me feel to hear it with his Kentucky accent. I very nearly cried. Enough! I needed to get him home! We made our way to my car, holding hands, whispering, laughing. I don’t think I broke any speed limits getting home! Well, not many anyway!

   Then we were home, bags dropped in the hall, hard, deep kisses leaving me breathless. Hands fumbling at clothes, buttons, zips. Everything dropped on the floor, on the stairs. Then naked skin under fingers that were stroking, touching, teasing. Shudders, shivers, moans. Two bodies tangled on the bed, desperate and desperate to hold back. Not possible. Me on my back, him poised over me. My name whispered again, his whispered in return, then my legs locked around him, pulling him in. He entered me slowly, letting me feel him, letting himself feel me. Hardness wrapped in warm wetness. We kissed, tongues moving in the same rhythm as our hips. Then letting go, fucking fast, giving in. I came hard, crying out, tipping him over the edge as I squeezed his cock. I felt his body shudder against mine, felt him cum inside me. Together … perfect … He stayed on top of me, cock buried inside me, holding me close. He said he could still feel me twitching gently around him.

 We showered together ... just that ... and then I let him sleep, occasionally in to the bedroom just to watch him, make sure I wasn't dreaming!

A thank you ...

This is to say thank you to all the wonderful people I've met on here. Especially the guys for making a BBW feel so special! You don't know what that means to me. Special thanks to my cheeky Cockney, Trust ... who's never judged me, and just takes me as I am. Very special thanks to b3anp0l3 ... he knows why ... xxx

To Nav, Hardrock, Keyser, Kyxtian, Bredbin, Martin, Moncton, Bmw, Sallyhandbag, SWRR, LionHard, Transloverman, Uksteveg, Jamieuk, Kobrakai, RaeGunn, BuckFuddy, DCGent, Yoda, Caballero, Twoofus, Poet, Dek, Ace1969 ... you guys are the best! If I've left anyone out ... forgive me!

To Janey, Squidgy, SDS, Dilli, Noth, Kimmy, LBN, Exwife, Truday ... thanks for being a laugh!

Hugs from the Bear ... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Very small 'story'. But I like it ... maybe because everyone's imagination will supply their own special ending. If anyone want to post a continuation, please go ahead ... xxxxxx

For no reason at all, you’ve turned up with champagne and chocolates. Dark Belgian chocolates. My favourites.
The lights are turned down low, soft music is playing and we are drinking champagne on the couch. You give me the menu from the box of chocolates, and ask me to choose. I ask for the soft orange cream, and instead of giving it to me, you run it across my lips, leaving chocolate trails for my tongue to lick.
You let me bite a small piece from the chocolate, and when I try to take more, you move it away. My tongue  keeps licking my lips and we both know what we’re thinking. When we finally get to the last piece, your fingers are covered in chocolate. I take the last piece in my mouth, and take hold of your hand, my eyes never leaving yours. One by one I suck your fingers into my mouth and my tongue licks them clean.
You’re breathing hard, imagining my mouth and my tongue on your cock, licking and sucking.
When I’ve finished with every finger, I hold your face in my hands and kiss you, my tongue running across your lips, then probing deep inside your mouth, letting you taste the chocolate, your tongue stroking mine ….

For my cheeky, sexy Cockney ....

This is dedicated to a certain Cockney of my acquaintance. I think you all know who I mean ... and actually it isn’t a story ... this is really what happened ...

Tuesday. My boss was out for the day, and just for once, I didn’t have much work to do, so I was looking forward to spending most of the day on line. But I should have known better! My internet connection kept fluttering on and off all morning, driving me insane. I’d think it was stable again, go on line, and it would vanish! And I was feeling oh so very horny! I did manage to chat to my Cockney on Yahoo, which made me feel even hornier, because he was telling me what we would do next time we met, and the videos he wanted us to make.

When I lost connection for the third time in about 10 mins, I gave up! The language was not pretty! But my pussy was throbbing, and I would have given anything to have had him there with me. But being the naughty polar bear that I am, tucked away at the bottom of my drawer at work, right at the back, is a little finger rabbit. I know, I know, you’re all sitting there shaking your heads. Yeah, right ... wipe those grins off your faces, you lot! Out came the shop keys and the ‘back in 10 mins’ sign ... and out came the rabbit! Oh it is such a lovely bunny! Long, flexible ears ... mmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!

I pulled down my trousers and my knickers and got comfortable in my chair, switched the vibe on to full (I never muck about with the lower settings!), and very, very gently ran the ears over my clit. Oh my god, I actually groaned out loud. I think if I’d pressed it a little closer to my clit, I could have cum in 5 seconds flat! But I didn’t want to. I wanted to make it last as long as I could. My head fell back and I closed my eyes and just imagined the two of us together ... the things we’d already done, and the things we were going to do. And all the time those lovely ears were tickling and teasing and driving me crazy! I’d pull them back when I felt myself getting too close, then start again. All the time wishing someone else was holding the rabbit. You would, wouldn’t you, honey??

After only a little while, there was no way I could hold back any longer. I got the ears in just the right position, either side of my clit, and started a gentle rocking motion that I know works so well. I came so hard with such an intensity, that my whole body was trembling! I left the ears there for a little while, until the last of the spasms faded away, and then I just sat there, breathing hard, with a very large smile on my face!

Oi, you! You know who you are! I wish you could have heard me ... you would have loved it!!!

Mystery Dinner

I've crept into the story vault again ... hope you like this one ...

It’s my birthday and you’ve promised me a show, of my choice, and a late dinner, which you say will be your choice. I choose a musical and try to get you to tell me about dinner. You won’t even give me a clue. ‘It’s a surprise’, is all you will say.
The show is excellent, and we leave the theatre talking about how good the dancers were. Outside you hail a cab. I try to hear the address you give the cabbie, but the traffic is too noisy. We drive away from the centre of town, the streets getting quieter. Still no clues. ‘You’ll see.’
After about 15 minutes we stop outside a building with double glass doors, curtained inside, with two small shrubs on either side of the doors. But no name over the doors.
I follow you inside to a dimly lit foyer, where a man appears and asks your name. You give it and he takes our coats and asks us to follow him. Through another set of doors to a room very softly lit, music playing quietly in the background.
All I can see are large circular deep red leather … what? I can’t figure out what they are. Our guide leads us through this maze of red leather, and stops next to one.
‘Your table, madam, sir. When you have made your selection from the menu, press the button on the wall and the waiter will come and take your order. He will not disturb you unless you ring for him.’ A small smile, a tilt of the head and then he is gone.
You take my hand and lead me through an opening in the circle. Now I begin to understand. Each booth is spaced out from its neighbour and so arranged that no-ones entrance faces anyone elses. And no-one can see over the top. The seats are deeply padded and the table has a lamp on it that gives just enough light to read the menu. It’s a place for whispers and secrets.
We make our choice from the menu and you press the button. A waiter appears almost immediately. You give our order and ask for a bottle of champagne as well.
The food is exquisite. ‘I am feeling very spoilt’, I whisper, raising my glass to you in mock salute. You raise yours in return. ‘The best is yet to come. More champagne?’ I nod and you press the button. When our waiter comes, you just point at the bottle and he nods, vanishes and re-appears almost at once with another bottle.
The champagne is taking effect. I am feeling very light-headed and I decide that all this red leather and soft lighting is very erotic. Which, of course, is just what it’s supposed to be.
I see you dip your finger into your champagne. You lean over and place your finger on my lips. I take it in my mouth and suck the champagne off it, while staring straight into your eyes.
The atmosphere in our booth is suddenly charged with sexual energy. The other people in their booths don’t exist anymore. There’s only you and me.
You push the table out of the way and move close to me. You reach out and pull down the straps of my top. I pull my arms free and my top slips down, exposing my breasts. You dip your finger in your champagne again and rub it lightly over my nipples. The cold and your touch make them hard. You gently suck each one in turn.
‘This is your night. Your pleasure is all I care about,’ you whisper.
You kneel in front of me. Your tongue traces circles around my nipples, then flicks hard over them. You lean back and use your hands on my tits, gently squeezing, stroking, brushing my nipples. I arch my back, pushing my tits towards you. You use your hand on one, your mouth on the other, sucking hard. Your other hand pushes my skirt up. Your fingers tickle my pussy through my panties. I know you can feel how wet I am. I lift my hips so that you can slide my panties off. Your fingers slide across my hard clit, down to my hole. You slip two fingers inside me and slowly fuck me with them, your thumb brushing over my clit. It’s teasing taken to the limit - I want more, harder, but at the same time I want you to carry on … and on … and on …
Then all sensations collide - your fingers, your thumb, your hand on my breast, your mouth - I feel myself start to cum. But it’s not hard, not fast. Your fingers are moving slowly, and every time you push them into my hot, wet cunt, your thumb strokes my clit, and I cum in time to your fingers, warmth pulsing across my stomach, my pussy, from deep within me. The intensity of it takes me by surprise. I’ve never felt anything like that before. Slow waves of pleasure that just keep going …
When they finally stop, I stroke the back of your head. You look up at me, and I take your face in my hands and kiss you, my tongue slipping past your lips.
‘And what if part of my pleasure is giving you pleasure as well?’ I say. You get up off the floor, sit down and drape your arms across the back of the seat. ‘Show me,’ you reply with a grin. Now it’s my turn to kneel in front of you. I unbutton your shirt, and use my tongue on your nipples, just like you did on mine. I know you like it. My hands unzip your trousers and I lean back and pull them down, along with your boxers. Your cock springs free, hard. I know you’ll be watching me, so I lick your balls, then lick slowly up your cock, letting you see what my tongue is doing. When I get to the tip, I take you in my mouth. I let your cock slide gently across my lips, and I stroke it softly with my tongue. I don’t suck, I’m not going to let you come just yet.
You slide down a little in your seat. I know what you want. My finger finds your arsehole and I tickle it softly. You push down against my finger, but I pull back. Not yet, my darling, not yet. I carry on playing with you, sucking you, licking you, until I feel a drop of pre-cum on my tongue. Then my finger pushes inside your arse and I start to suck your cock. You push it into my mouth, giving me the rhythm you need. I follow you, and feel you cum in my mouth. I swallow every single drop and then lick you clean, until I feel you start to soften.
I get up from the floor and we re-arrange our clothes and you pour me a glass of champagne. I sit snuggled up in your arms, safe, warm, loved.
It’s your birthday in a couple of months. At least I don’t have to worry about where we will be going for dinner!

A little more bedtime reading

Hope you like this one too linousxm ... xxx

We’re strangers at a party given by a mutual friend. We’ve never met and neither of us is aware of how the night is going to end.

I’m wandering from one group of people to another, catching up, the way you do at parties. But it seems that every time I turn around, there you are. Finally I realise what you’re looking at. I’m wearing a skirt with slits up the side, and sometimes when I move you must be catching a glimpse of my stocking tops. So that’s what you like! I start watching you, watching me. I see a good-looking man, about my age, and when I see you talking to other people, I decide I like your smile. ‘Let the game begin’, I think to myself. I keep an eye on you, and when you go to the buffet or the drinks table, somehow there I am. An arm brushing against yours, or a leg pressed fleetingly against you for just a second too long. A little smile of apology. But you know exactly what I’m doing, and finally you say to me ‘Don’t you think it’s time we talked to each other?’ And then I find you have the softest of Welsh accents. I immediately decide that this is a voice I could listen to for hours.

You get us both a drink and we talk about ourselves, our jobs, our homes. I find you so easy to talk to. And I find that I’m being quietly, slowly, turned on. I can feel that lovely warm feeling in my pussy. I’m surprised. This doesn’t happen to me. This usually happens once I know someone quite well and when we’re in a quiet place all on our own.

It starts to get a bit stuffy indoors, and as it’s a warm night, you suggest that we go into the garden for some fresh air. Fresh air, eh? We’ll see!

But you’re right, it is much better outside. There’s a slight breeze, but we seem to be the only one’s out there.

‘They do have a lovely big garden, don’t they?’ I say to you.

‘Yes. As I remember, it’s very long.’

‘It is. And they have quite a few trees at the end.’ I look at you and grin. Oh, I love this game of teasing, pretending!

‘Do they? I don’t think I’ve ever been to the very end of the garden. Will you show me?’ You can barely keep the chuckle out of your voice!

When we get to the end of the garden you say ‘If you go into the trees I don’t think you can be seen from the house. Shall we try and see?’

As soon as we’re in the trees, and out of sight of the house, you take me in your arms and kiss me. Softly, slowly, to start, both of us exploring. Our tongues meet and the kiss deepens. I lean back against a tree. We hold each other tighter, hands starting to wander, more exploration.

Your hands find my breasts, softly squeezing, teasing my nipples through my clothes, making me want to feel your hands on my skin, flesh tingling under your fingers. I reach up and undo my shirt, hands shaking slightly. Your fingers stroke the soft skin of my breasts above my bra, then you reach inside it and your fingers touch my sensitive nipple, making me moan softly. You lift my breast free and your mouth is immediately on my nipple, sucking, tongue licking. It feels so good. My hand on the back of your head, holding you there, wanting you to stay there for ages. Your hand goes to my other breast and lifts that free and then your mouth is tormenting both nipples, going from one to the other, fingers tickling and teasing where your mouth is not. My pussy is throbbing, and I know it must be wet, and my clit getting hard.

My hand fumbles with the zip on your trousers and then slips inside your boxers, finding your cock rock hard, and wet. I rub my fingers over the tip and you shiver and moan.

Your hands reach down and slowly slide up my legs, lifting my skirt. Up and up until you reach my French knickers. You slip inside and gently stroke one finger along my pussy lips. My whole body quivers and I know you can feel it. Your finger slips inside my open lips and finds my hard, wet clit. You rub it so gently, in circles. My hand is sliding up and down your cock and we are both breathing hard, holding on, wanting to cum just from touching.

Then I gently push you away from me, and you look at me with a question in your eyes. Why? But I just smile, and reaching under my skirt I pull off my knickers and put them into your pocket. I place my hands on your shoulders to steady myself, and lift one leg and place it on your hip. You know what I want and you move in close and guide your cock into my hot waiting cunt. It’s as if it was made for it. Your cock goes deep and you hold for a few seconds, just so we can feel each other. My cunt warm and wet around you, muscles twitching slightly, your cock so hard and filling me so completely.

You start to fuck me, slow, deep strokes to start with, your fingers teasing my nipples. Then you’re fucking me harder and faster, the need too great to go slow. We’re looking into each others eyes and the whole house full of people could be watching and we wouldn’t notice. We cum together, my cunt gripping you hard, your cock filling me with your hot spunk. We gradually slow down and finally it’s over and your cock slips out of me and I lean against you and whisper ‘Beautiful’, in your ear. You laugh softly and kiss me gently.

We straighten up and return to the house, with hopefully, no one having any idea what we’ve been doing. We swap phone numbers, and promises to call and meet again. Well we have to meet again - you still have my French knickers in your pocket!

Little Red Riding Hood

A new story ...

Not-so-little Red Riding Hood was walking in the woods one day, a bag on her shoulder. Red was early 30s and wise to the ways of wolves. Well, ever since that incident with Grandma ...!!!

This day Red was looking for a quiet spot to lay and enjoy the sun ... and the contents of her bag!! She found a good place and lay her red cloak on the ground. She took a good look around to make sure she was completely alond ... you can never be too careful ... then she undressed. Naked, she stretched her arms over her head and revelled in the feel of the sun on her skin. She lowered her arms and ran her hands down over her full breasts, pausing to tease her nipples to semi-hardness. She smiled to herself as her hands ran over her stomach and brushed over her soft, smooth pussy mound.

She lay down on her cloak, on her back and her hands continued their slow, soft wandering. A tickle here, a stroke there. Legs open, pussy lips slowly swelling, opening, juices starting to flow.

Eventually she reached for her bag and stared at the contents deciding what she wanted. She settled on a small vibrator and a vibrating dildo.

Dildo first, slowly slipped into her wet cunt. Knees bent, hips raised. Gentle, slow fucking, no vibe, no rush. A breeze blows over her skin lightly caressing her nipples. She sighs.

But quietly creeping closer through the trees is a figure. Wolf! Wise to the ways of Red Riding Hood. He’s watched her before. He gets as close as he dares and watches her play, his cock straining against his jeans.

Red reaches down and switches on the vibrations. They buzz through her cunt, making it throb. Wolf slowly lowers his zip, relieved at freeing his cock. He strokes it slow and easy. He knows Red is going to do more. Sure enough she picks up the little vibe and switches it on one-handed, dildo still moving, deep, slow strokes. She tickles the vibe over her clit and moans, and Wolf’s cock jumps in reply. Oh, she is so hot! If it weren’t for that incident with Grandma ...!!! Wolf wonders what Red would do if he came out of his hiding place. Thoughts of fucking her flit across his mind and his cock starts to leak.

Red has pressed the vibe a little closer to her clit, moving it in circles, teasing. Her hips are moving up and down against the dildo buzzing inside her. Wolf pictures his cock there.

Both of them are getting closer and closer to cumming.

Red’s cunt is throbbing, gripping and releasing the dildo and she moves the little vibe so it’s right on her clit, in just the right place. The dildo drives deeper, hard, fast ... and she cums, gasping, moaning, hips writhing.

Wolf’s hand moves fast up and down his cock and he cums, biting his lip to stop himself from crying out, spunk splattering over the bushes.

He watches Red until she relaxes back onto the cloak, then quietly creeps away, zipping himself as he goes.

Red lies there, warm, content, cunt still softly twitching. She is wise to the ways of the wolf ... he can watch, but he can never, ever touch. Not since the incident with Grandma ...!!!

Another story

Another story from the vault ... enjoy!

I’m standing at the window looking out at the rain, when you come into the room behind me. You gently pull me back so that I’m leaning against you and wrap your arms around me. “Just the kind of day to be warm indoors”, you say quietly in my ear. I rest my head on your shoulder in reply.

Your hands slip under my sweater and cup my breasts, your thumbs lightly brushing my nipples. Every nerve starts to tingle, but I keep as still as I can, closing my eyes so that I’m not distracted by sights. All I want to do is feel.

Your hands move down and catch the bottom of my sweater and pull it up. I lift my arms, you finish removing it and toss it aside. Your hands return to my breasts, but now you can watch what you’re doing. Your lips brush the side of my neck, my shoulder, soft kisses that send shivers up and down my spine. My hands reach behind you and grab your ass, pulling you tight against me. I can feel your cock, erect, hard. I would love you to take me right now, but I want to make this last.

You unhook my bra, slide it off my arms and it follows the sweater, tossed aside. Your fingers are not so gentle now. You roll my nipples in between your thumbs and forefingers, every so often a little squeeze, but not painful.

I try to turn round, so that I can hold you, touch you, but you won’t let me. “Stay where you are. Don’t move.” You kiss the back of my neck, and then a little further down. I feel your lips and your hands on my back. Kissing, stroking. My eyes are still closed and with every touch all I want to do is turn around and take hold of you. But I stay there, waiting for what you will do next.

You’ve reached the waistband of my skirt now. You hook your thumbs inside and start to slide it down, along with my panties, but slowly, inch by inch, kissing your way down my bum. You drop my skirt and panties on the floor and hold my hand as I step out of them. I am now completely naked, while you are still fully clothed. But not for long!

I open my eyes and turn around. You stand back from me, just looking, smiling. I smile back and reach out to undo your shirt. Now it’s your turn to stand still. You watch my hands as I undo each button. Your shirt joins my clothes. I run my hands across your chest, enjoying the feel of your skin under my fingers. My hands brush across your nipples and I feel you shiver slightly. I flick my tongue across each of them in them in turn and hear a sharp intake of breath. I carry on kissing and licking while my hands find the zip on your jeans. I lower it slowly. Then I kneel in front of you, look up at you with a devilish grin on my face and lower your jeans and boxers until just the tip of your beautiful hard cock is showing. I kiss it gently and feel it jump. I expose a little more, two kisses, starting at the top. Now you know what I’m going to do. A little more, three kisses, and I run my tongue up your shaft. I can feel it move against my tongue. Eager, hungry. Like us. Eventually I free your cock completely and kiss and lick along the whole length. I don’t take you in my mouth. This afternoon is all about teasing, about making it last.

You reach down and help me to my feet and guide me over to the couch. I lie down and you kneel beside me. You take my breast in your hand and lower your mouth to it. You suck my nipple hard, your other hand gently caressing my other breast, then sliding down my body, towards my pussy, which is wet, open and waiting for you. You gently tickle my pussy lips, making my hips lift from the couch, trying to get closer to your hand. But you have other ideas. You take my leg, the one closest to the edge of the couch, and place it on the floor, leaving you easy access to my clit. Now it’s your turn for the devilish grin, before you lower your face to my pussy.

Your tongue gently laps from my hole to my clit, over and over. My hand goes to the back of your head, pushing you against me. You get the message. You use the tip of your tongue, flicking it over my clit, then pushing it into my hole. I can feel myself starting to cum. You can feel it too. You keep the rhythm going, you know its working. I cum hard, my hand gripping the back of your head. You keep licking me until you feel me start to relax, then work your tongue slower, long stokes, until I take my hand from the back of your head.

I smile up at you, and stretch like a contented cat.

“I want your cock inside me. Now!” I command.

I slide onto the floor and you raise my legs onto your shoulders. You hold your cock and stroke across my soaking wet clit to my hole, then slide it inside me. You know you can make me cum again, before my orgasm fades completely away. You start to move, fucking me deep and hard. I match my rhythm to yours, feeling every inch of you. I put my hand on my clit and rub it hard. It feels so good. I know you’re waiting for me, and as I feel myself start to cum again, I just nod, I can’t speak. You drive into me harder and faster, no holding back now. As soon as I cum, as soon as my muscles clench around your cock, you cum as well, filling me.

Afterwards, we both lay together, breathless, sated, contented. Me safely wrapped in your arms.


Not so much a blog, just that I write stories and thought you might like to read one every now and then, so here's one to start the ball rolling. Comments welcome.

We were lying on the bed, touching, stroking each other, slowly arousing each other. My little vibrator was on the bedside cabinet and I switched on low and started running it over your body. You lay back with a grin on your face. I laughed and started really going to work on you. Vibrator running over your nipples, down over your stomach and then around your balls.

When I got to that soft skin just behind your balls, your back arched and you moaned softly. So I stayed there a while, running the vibe from your balls to your arse, watching your cock get harder and wetter.   I leaned down and started licking and sucking a nipple, and you gasped. I turned up the speed on the vibe and let it play from your arse, over your balls, and just around the base of your cock. My tongue flicked over your nipple. You were squirming and breathing hard. Delicious torture.  

 I left your nipple and went and sat in between your open legs. The vibe slowly made its way up your cock, stopping just short of the head. Vibrations tickling and teasing, pre-cum running down your shaft making the vibe slide smoothly over your skin.   Then I turned it back down to low. I took your cock in my hand and pulled the skin down, tight, baring the head completely. You’d figured out what I was going to do. I looked at you with a question in my eyes. You just nodded, breathing ragged. I smiled a wicked little smile and the vibe ran up the length of your cock and over the head. Your back arched and you let out a long, low groan of pleasure.   The vibe went to work on that sensitive spot, that ‘v’ shape on the head of your cock. Moving up and down, making your cock jerk in my hand. You were loving it. And I was too. Juices were oozing out of me, I could feel it. And my nipples were hard and aching to be touched. But I knew my turn would come next … and I knew you would get your revenge! But for now, it’s all for you.  

 I leaned forward and my tongue lapped up the wetness of you. Your hips thrust upwards towards my mouth, but I couldn’t suck you because of the vibe, so I just carried on licking.  

 You went still for a second, and I knew you were cumming. I sat back to watch. Your head went back, your back arched and hot, thick spunk poured out of your cock. You came for a long time, and I kept the vibe in place until you begged me to please, stop. You lay there panting, and then you looked at me, eyes shining, wide grin on your face. My smile matched yours. I knew how much you’d enjoyed that. A first for both us. But not the last time. Might just turn it up next time. Have you cumming hard and fast.

  I leaned down and licked and sucked your cock clean. I may not like you cumming in my mouth, but I like the taste of you.  

 Then the look in your eyes changed, and you sat up. You took the vibe out of my hand and pushed me back on to the bed. I mock-struggled and then your mouth descended on my breast, sucking the nipple hard, tongue flicking, and all thought of struggle was forgotten as I surrendered. You switched from nipple to nipple, licking, sucking, flicking, as my back arched, thrusting my breasts further into your mouth.

  And then the vibrator was on my clit, full speed but not pressing against it, just brushing over the tip. I moaned and resisted the urge to press up against the vibe, letting you do what you wanted. Then it was your turn to sit in between my open legs. You held my pussy lips open and ran the vibe from my cunt to my clit, over and over again. The lightest of touches. And I knew you could see me getting wetter and wetter.

  Two fingers slipped into my cunt and the vibe sought out the hard tip of my clit. Your fingers moved in and out of me, long deep strokes, as the vibe moved gently over my clit. I knew it wouldn’t take long. So did you. Playing with you had turned me on too much. As I came, I took a deep breath and held it, and my clit pressed itself hard against the vibe, and your fingers stroked my g-spot. I came hard, body shaking as wave after wave of pure pleasure swept over me, cunt gripping your fingers tight, over and over again. As my orgasm faded you stroked me slower, the vibe barely touching my clit. I lay there, breathing hard.  

 You leaned down and your tongue softly, softly licked over my clit, tasting me just like I’d tasted you earlier. I shivered under your touch. You kissed me gently there, then on my pussy mound, then up my body, a kiss on each nipple, a kiss on my lips, and then we snuggled close together and drifted off to sleep.

  •  hotpolarbear
  • Interesses:
  • Género
  • Feminino
  • Profissão:
  • Data de nascimento:
  • Março 1953
  • Etnia:
  • Estado de relacionamento:
  • Numa relação monogâmica
  • Sexualidade:
  • Hetero
  • Fumador:
  • Fumador
  • Peso:
  • 168 cm 5 ft 6 in
  • Tipo de corpo:
  • Grande
  • Atributos sexuais:
  • Grande
  • Educação:
  • Nacionalidade:
  • United Kingdom
  • País de residência:
  • United Kingdom
  • Localidade:
  • Cidade:
  • Data de registo:
  • 2006-11-21
  • Última visita:
  • Necessita de ser um membro subscrito para visualizar esta informação.
  • Disponível para Encontros:
  • Não
 - The bear and baby oil
  •   11K
  •  27/11/09
  •  77%
 - It's been a while ...
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  •  05/08/09
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 - The Bear and the Bunny ...
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  •  30/06/08
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  •  83%
 - Shower Scene
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  •  75%
Sets de fotos
  •   3K
  •  11/08/09
  •  90%
  •   3K
  •  05/08/09
  •  84%
  •   2K
  •  21/08/08
  •  67%
  •   4K
  •  18/07/08
  •  82%
  • wacipiyoo
  •   United States
      58 anos de idade
  • che2maroni
  •   Italy
      54 anos de idade
  • jacksup
  •   United States
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