Does anyone have a cure for STUPID ? it seems the more grandk--ds we have here the stupider the wife we still have the ex dau-in-law,,her 2 and 2 more....wife and ex dil both have Dr. appts about an hour from here (knew about wifes) 1 went to *****..2 women and the 3 others in a 5 passenger suv...then asks "are't you going to drive ???????????" I reply "I can take my truck" WOW you would have thought I pissed in her post toasties! IF anyone knows of a cure for STUPID I REALLY NEED some..if pills we could start with 100,000 ,,or liquid 100 gallons (ex dil NEEDS treatment too) IF anyone knows the cure PLEASE message me...I have started looking again as she is NOT doing her part of our agreement..she agreed if I stop looking ,flirting ,and emailing..I can have pussy or blowjob anytime I wantas long as any minors in the house are *****..well FORGET some twice in 3 weeks..I want sometime 2 to 5 times a week..also there's been VERY little titty play .grab ass,etc so I'm doing some looking..Thanks for letting me vent..HAPPY SEX to ALL..oldman

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