That night, when my wife and I were in bed I asked if Fred had said anything about the previous night: I thought he might have been embarrassed or apologetic or something. I certainly was not expecting the story that she then recounted...
Soon after I had left the house Fred had appeared, put his arms round her, kissed her and said how sorry he was that he hadn't been allowed to join us the previous night because she really attracted him, etc. etc. Angela admitted that she found him attractive too and didn't try to stop him holding and kissing her. Very quickly a passionate situation developed but Angela didn't try to stop him until he started to make moves towards the bedroom. At this point she stopped him and said that although she was enjoying what they were doing, he must not try to go much further as she did not have any form of contraceptive as I had had a vasectomy. "No problem" said Fred grabbing his car keys and heading for the door "I'll only be a few minutes".
While Fred was gone she considered what she should do. She told me that she realised that she was strongly attracted to and turned on by him and found the idea of a casual flirtation appealing. She didn't think I would be put out by a casual fling and that a change from our normal routine might add some spice to our love lives. Fred soon returned looking very pleased with himself and waving a bag of goodies that he'd got from the nearby pharmacy. He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. She was rather overcome, didn't really know how she could stop at that stage and anyway was rather excited at the idea of what might happen. He turned out to be an accomplished lover and eventually they used most of the condoms and stuff that he'd bought. She had to confess to me that it had been an incredibly erotic and satisfying experience. She'd had several orgasms. At some point she'd asked what he would have done the night before had he joined us in bed and discovered the problem of the lack of contraception: he admitted that he would still have made love to her and tried to pull out before coming. I wondered what I'd have done if he had joined us in bed and started screwing my wife in bed beside me. I was also shocked that she had been willing to have full-scale sex with a guy that she hardly knew and then to be so upfront in telling me about it.
I thought that this had been a one-night-stand but as the next board meeting approached it became obvious that Angela was really looking forward to seeing Fred again: it transpired that they'd been chatting regularly on the phone since his last visit. I realised that things had moved a long, long way from a casual sexual encounter. He came and stayed overnight with nothing happening but I guessed that as soon as I'd left the house the following morning there would be a repeat of the previous performance. I confess that this made me feel very envious and also very horny and I hoped I'd get my turn later. Sadly this was not to be and, in fact, we had very little sex thereafter because she was so smitten and satisfied by Fred.
I didn't want Angela and I to split up and hoped that things would cool down and return to something like they were before Fred ever came to visit. However, I was shafted! Their relationship got very involved and by the time of the next meeting it was obvious that there was going to be a further development. Whether I liked it or not I was going to have to sleep alone in the guest room while Angela and Fred shared the "master" bedroom. I made a mental note to try and avoid thinking of it as the "mistress" bedroom. Did I mention that Fred was married with a family and at this point there was no suggestion that any longterm changes were planned. That night was weird: being able to imagine and sometimes hear, what they were getting up to was quite painful but also erotic and exciting. Fred at least kept out of the way in the morning until I left for the office.
After some months I believed that the situation had cooled down and I'd come to accept that this was a fact of my life. Because I had changed jobs we had in the meantime moved house and overnight stays were no longer necessary as they could meet more easily and frequently. It seemed that we could carry on almost as before with Fred as an exciting, for her, addition to Angela's life. Not good, but a form of compromise that I could cope with. Unfortunately, Angela had become seriously hooked and she was starting to think in terms of their living together. When it came to the crunch he could not bring himself to do this and he sold up his business and moved to the other end of the country to start a new life. Angela was pretty broken up by this but as she had already taken several additional, lovers she was not as destroyed as she might have been
Which is really the beginning of a new chapter...