Sexta, 12 Setembro 2014 @ 22:50
(9:20 PM)Hello and Welcome to YUVUTU live chat! Please be POLITE to others. English Only and Do Not DIRECT. Have FUN and get NAKED.
aussie1aussie says to yeahskin69(9:23 PM):
aussie1aussie has started to view your video now!
barolo says to betsyb(9:23 PM):
barolo says to betsyb(9:23 PM):
how r u
grande24cm says to yeahskin69(9:23 PM):
grande24cm has started to view your video now!
thisavealook says to spunkcpl(9:23 PM):
betsyb says to barolo(9:23 PM):
great ta
betsyb says to barolo(9:24 PM):
diego13008 says to spunkcpl(9:24 PM):
allora1981 says to yeahskin69(9:24 PM):
tatilegidelimmi says to yeahskin69(9:24 PM):
tatilegidelimmi has started to view your video now!
allora1981 says to yeahskin69(9:24 PM):
what is this?
seaden says to spunkcpl(9:24 PM):
great video
clonginus says to yeahskin69(9:24 PM):
clonginus has started to view your video now!
thisavealook says to spunkcpl(9:24 PM):
mmm does that teast good
nwtyhubby says to yeahskin69(9:24 PM):
nwtyhubby has started to view your video now!
thisavealook says to spunkcpl(9:24 PM):
diego13008 says to spunkcpl(9:24 PM):
ozdreamer says to yeahskin69(9:25 PM):
ozdreamer has started to view your video now!
nasandreas1 says to yeahskin69(9:25 PM):
nasandreas1 has started to view your video now!
thomas53 says to spunkcpl(9:25 PM):
hi sweden here
spunkcpl says(9:25 PM):
diego13008 says to spunkcpl(9:27 PM):
poldi33 says to spunkcpl(9:27 PM):
mmmhhh yummy!
doberman54 says(9:28 PM):
superb closeup
tuynki says to yeahskin69(9:28 PM):
tuynki has started to view your video now!
cmehere says to yeahskin69(9:28 PM):
cmehere has started to view your video now!
ozdreamer says to spunkcpl(9:28 PM):
omg70 says to yeahskin69(9:28 PM):
omg70 has started to view your video now!
woody8 says to betsyb(9:28 PM):
:-* hey BB
senadino says to manray0000(9:28 PM):
betsyb says to woody8(9:29 PM):
hiya xxxxx
woody8 says to betsyb(9:29 PM):
glad its the weekend
risingdamp says to yeahskin69(9:29 PM):
risingdamp has started to view your video now!
aussie1aussie says to yeahskin69(9:30 PM):
aussie1aussie has started to view your video now!
diego13008 says to yeahskin69(9:30 PM):
diego13008 has started to view your video now!
betsyb says to woody8(9:30 PM):
me too
diego13008 says to yeahskin69(9:30 PM):
diego13008 has started to view your video now!
betsyb says to woody8(9:30 PM):
work is so hectic
oldsquidy says to catherina69(9:30 PM):
welcome back
woody8 says to betsyb(9:31 PM):
yeah begining of year i know
hunter2711 says(9:31 PM):
evening all (})
clonginus says to yeahskin69(9:32 PM):
clonginus has started to view your video now!
peterpan83 says to yeahskin69(9:33 PM):
peterpan83 has started to view your video now!
theo12 says to yeahskin69(9:33 PM):
theo12 has started to view your video now!
marion64 says to yeahskin69(9:34 PM):
marion64 has started to view your video now!
woody8 says to spunkcpl(9:34 PM):
looking good spunk
clonginus says to yeahskin69(9:34 PM):
clonginus has started to view your video now!
bcguy7 says(9:34 PM):
any couples looking for a third - pm me
ardilla33 says to yeahskin69(9:35 PM):
ardilla33 has started to view your video now!
aussie1aussie says to yeahskin69(Whisper message)(9:35 PM):
marion64 says to yeahskin69(Whisper message)(9:35 PM):
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm siiii cosiiiiiiiiiiiii mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
robynbicd says to yeahskin69(9:36 PM):
robynbicd has started to view your video now!
theo12 says to yeahskin69(9:36 PM):
theo12 has started to view your video now!
gancio_68 has started to view your video now!
nasandreas1 says to yeahskin69(9:38 PM):
nasandreas1 has started to view your video now!
43tom says to yeahskin69(9:39 PM):
43tom has started to view your video now!
aussie1aussie says to betsyb(9:39 PM):
rococococo says to spunkcpl(9:39 PM):
looks tasty
willim69 says to yeahskin69(9:40 PM):
willim69 has started to view your video now!
aussie1aussie says to betsyb(9:40 PM):
didnt think u liked looking at cock bets ?
thisavealook says to spunkcpl(9:41 PM):
looks like he`s ready to ride lol
diego13008 says to yeahskin69(9:41 PM):
diego13008 has started to view your video now!
stickyknuckles says to yeahskin69(9:42 PM):
stickyknuckles has started to view your video now!
oldsquidy says to betsyb(9:42 PM):
has an evil side
betsyb says to oldsquidy(9:42 PM):
oldsquidy says to betsyb(9:43 PM):
I think you have an evil side to you sometimes. there is a dirty girl in there
betsyb says to oldsquidy(9:43 PM):
oh right
slip if the finger
drhouse80 says to yeahskin69(9:44 PM):
drhouse80 has started to view your video now!