I know there are a few who have read my blog,rant,or what ever you wish to call it... BUT the dead beat DO NOT APPROVE has moved out of my house and I wish to thank ALL USA taxpayers and a SPECIAL Thanks to those in OKLA. for the help paying his rent.... YEP you got it.. a nearby city housing authority... oh well now it is back to just me and her (wife) and the dogs.. I have been 3 days so far trying to get the house cleaned up.. the wife has health issues,,, UNLESS the deadbeat calls then she RUNS out the door to as I say change his panties.. 43 yrs old..c&c machinest.. NO job..no house..5 ***** with 5 women pays no ***** support... anyway while he was here I told her I would NOT live with him...... I was GONE from MY house ALL day every day... PLEASE don't feel sorry for me as for about 3 months I had a FWB.. titties to suck WHENEVER I wanted.. pussy to finger OR fuck ANYTIME I wanted ,, BJ when ever I wanted..we had to take a break in mid june and I've only been laid once and blown once since then...wife still knows NOTHING about any of this and what she does not know does not hurt me.. anyway I have to go as she is waking from her nap and I CAN NOT let her see this

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