The couple got up and walked towards the notice board in the corner arms around each other, they started to look at the excursion board and as I looked towards them I noticed the man had lifted the leg of the shorts to expose the stocking top, thigh and a curvaceous arse cheek........................I could see black knickers with white polka dots covering the rest of her ass.he pulled the knickers up her ass and the shorts with them she spread her legs a little and I convinced myself I could make out her lips. His hand was all over her ass as they looked at the notice board before looking at each other and passionately kissing each other xxxx. This was making my cock hard and I was finding it difficult to disguise under my shorts. I wanted her there and then but she was with her man and it was obvious he was going to get her tonight............
i decided to order a bottle of wine and 3 glasses and walk over to see where they were planning on going which I thought would be a great ice breaker. " so where are you planning on going then?" I asked, " I'm sorry mate, we are off up to our room now" came the reply from the man. I was devastated they completely shunned my friendship but then I thought to myself..........are they downright rude? Are they teasing me? Are they encouraging me to follow them? I didn't realise coming on holiday on my own could be so stressful.
I decided to be billy-no-mates and drink the bottle of wine on my own and go to bed for an early night.
As I walked past their bedroom the door was open slightly as it had not been pushed shut correctly. Should I shut the door for them? Should I knock on the door? Should I just go in? Should I ignore the open door and go to my room? What was this lady doing to my mind? I can't even think logically, every thought I have could have numerous consequences but I so want to fuck that lady but she has a man with her. Is she flirting with her man or is she trying to seduce me as well or instead of her man???
Come on man stop having these strange thoughts and go to bed and get some sleep and get your mind straight and rid of these sexy thought