The next day and for the rest of the week the routines were all the same even the crying every lunch time. I had thought many times during my first week to ask what is wrong but thought better of it. Other than that I did like my job simply because Jo is such an attractive mature woman.
One day I thought enough was enough and plucked up the courage to ask her why she cries all the time. I walk up to her door and knock gently on it.
“Come in” Jo said.
“Sorry to disturb you Jo but … well there’s something I need to ask you.” I said sheepishly.
“It’s the crying you are wondering isn’t it?” She asked knowingly.
“Yes. I don’t want to be nosy its just I get kind of uncomfortable.” I told her honestly.
“I’m not too sure how to tell you really. It’s a bit silly. I can tell you but you might not be interested.”
“Oh please just tell me I’d rather know than see you cry every day and make me uncomfortable. I could maybe even help.”
She smiled and said she would explain it all over lunch. So we shut the shop earlier than normal and she sat down at the table and started unloading her problem.
Jo starts, “You know I have been divorced for sometime now right?”
I nod and let Jo continue.
“Well I’ve been seeing this lovely man. At least I thought he was a lovely man till two weeks ago. Jason was my ex husband and he is the only man I have been with, sexually anyway. So this new guy was at my place the other week and he started getting a bit randy I guess. He pulled his trousers down and asked me to do my thing. I’m not all naïve I knew he want head but I am kind of oblivious as to how it is actually done. My ex was more of a pump, pump squirt kind of guy. So as you can imagine this new man was asking all sorts from me that night and I was just lost. So lost in fact I just ran out the door. I cry everyday cause he hasn’t called me or returned any of my calls.” Jo explained.
“Your inexperienced in the sack is all. Why didn’t you just tell him? If I was him and you told me I’d be over the moon.” I said
“Why???” Jo asked.
“Cause then I’d be able to teach you all sorts of stuff and then when you actually get good sex would be awesome ha ha” I said laughingly.
Jo looked bemused and then went off to ask “Could you teach me?”
She looked so serious as she asked me this question.
“Err .. I suppose but I’m really not that great in bed. At least I don’t think so.”
“Well that’s it settled. You can come round to mine tonight to give me my first lesson. I mean I don’t want to meet another amazing guy just for him to run away cause I can’t give head or something like that. I’ll even pay you for the lessons. How much do you want?” Jo asked.
My jaw dropped and I was in complete awe of what is happening. But Jo was so serious and I could see the hope in her eyes. I mean who was I to say no to a sexy milf in need. And so the lessons start.

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